Chapter 39 (Final Chapter)

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A/N: hey guys! Sorry I have been MIA for the past like 5 months.

It's sad to say but this is the last chapter of 8 Possibilities.

But I'm happy to say that I'm writing a new book and I'm hoping to publish it soon!!

But enjoy the last chapter of 8 Possibilities.

•Chapter 39•

Morgan's POV

After my argument with Jack, I went straight to sleep. Well, I broke up with Kale than I went straight to sleep. I told him that things just didn't feel right at the moment and I appreciate everything he has done for me.

He understood and that made me feel a hundred times better. I wake up fairly early, but I can't seem to fall back asleep. I start thinking about Jack and I feel really bad about the whole situation.

I get up from my bed and I walk over to Jack's room. His door is closed and I'm hesitant to go in, but I finally do. I slowly open his door and see he's under his covers with his back towards the door. I walk around to the far side of his bed and slowly crawl in.

After a minute I feel his arms wrap around my waist.

"I'm sorry, Morgan." He whispers.

"I'm sorry too." I say turning to be face to face with him.

He puts his forehead on mine, "she was the first girl I loved." He mumbles referring to the girl on the beach, "but she was also the first girl to break my heart."

"What happened?" I ask.

"I caught her cheating on me." He sighs, "I really thought she loved me."

"So why were you with her last night?" I shake my head.

"We both lost our older brothers on the same night." He gulps deeply, "we were sharing each other's grief. But she has moved on, and so have I."

"I'm really sorry, Jack." I kiss his cheek.

He smiles softly, "it's okay."

"I'm sorry for this whole summer." I let a tear slip down my cheek, "you're so strong for dealing with everything that you have been through. I'm sorry for making everything worse."

He shakes his head, "that's not true, you haven't. You've made my summer more bearable if anything."

"I find that hard to believe." I chuckle.

He doesn't say anything; he just keeps smiling at me.

"What?" I giggle.

"I have completely fallen in love with you, Morgan." He sings.

My lips tug into a smile, "I love you too, Jack."

Matt's POV

My summer with the boys is finally coming to end. It has been an amazing adventure and I will never forget about it; the good and the bad.

Today was our last day at the house and everyone is packing up and heading to the airport. We're all saying our goodbyes and taking last minute pictures.

A few hours go by and before I know it the only people left are Jack and Jack, Nash, Hayes, Morgan, and me.

Nash and Hayes hear their flight come across the intercom and they stand from their seats. We all say our goodbyes but I know Morgan's goodbye to Hayes will be a little hard.

Morgan's POV

Hayes and Nash start getting prepared for their flight home. We all hug Nash and everyone hugs Hayes. Hayes walks up to me and smiles.

"Thanks for being the big sister I never had." He trembles.

"Thanks for being the little brother I've always wanted." I mutter, trying to clear my throat.

Saying goodbye to Hayes is so hard. I've grown so close to him and I'm going to miss him so much.

He smiles and wraps his arms around me, "I'm going to miss you so much." He whispers.

"I'm gonna miss you too, kid." I whisper into his shoulder.

He finally lets go of me and joins Nash at security.

We all wait a few minutes as they board their plane and it takes off.

A few more hours go by and Matt and I hear our flight being announced. We gather our luggage and say our final goodbyes to Jack and Jack.

I hug Johnson and I get to Gilinsky. I don't want to say goodbye.

"I don't want to go." I say to G.

"You have to, Morgan."

I smile softly and look down. Before I know it his arms are wrapped around me. He just hugs me for a few minutes.

"I love you, Jack." I struggle to get the words out of my mouth.

"I love you more, Morgan." I feel a tear hit my forehead. I look up and Jack is crying.

I hug him even tighter, "we'll see each other soon right?"

He smiles, "we'll be together in a blink of an eye."

"You promise?" I start to cry.

"Of course." He kisses my forehead.

I know that Jack and I might not see each other for a while, which is why I'm struggling to say goodbye. I don't want to be without him.

"You better go, you'll miss your flight." Gilinsky motions to security check.

I nod and wipe the tears from my eyes, "okay." I smile and look up into his eyes, "I'll see you later."

"Before you know it." He winks and gives me one last kiss and hug.

I join Matt at security where he's waiting for me.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders, "so, how was your summer?" He grins looking down at me.

"Pretty good, surprisingly." I chuckle, "how about yours?"

"It was great." He nods, "and I'm glad you were here to spend it with me."

I smile at Matt, "thanks. I'm happy I came."

We make it through security and I'm taking one last glance around, and I see Jack. He waves and I wave back. I stand there wanting to remember this moment forever.

This summer has taught me so much that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. It has given me something that I will cherish forever; new friends, new memories, another family. But I think it's finally time to go back home.

"Morgan, you ready?" Matt asks.

"Yeah." I nod smiling, "let's go home."


8 Possibilities

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