Chapter 9

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Morgan's POV

So Aaron and I get back to the house and we see Shawn sleeping on the couch. We decide to do a smack cam since it's the perfect time too.

"I got the whip cream." Aaron says chuckling.

I just laugh along because Aaron's laugh makes me laugh.

"I got my phone ready."


We count down from three quietly.

"three, two, one!" Aaron and I say together.

Aaron smacks Shawn right on the cheek and he wakes up looking innocent.

"Dude! Screw off!" Shawn yells rolling back over on the couch.

Aaron and I kill ourselves laughing and run outside to show the guys. They all kill themselves laughing too. I walk into the kitchen and Hayes follows.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey Hayes. What's up?" I ask.

"I, uhm, I told Nicole how I feel."

I look at Hayes worried about how Nicole responded, "you- you did." I say kind of questioning.

"Yeah." He nods looking down.

"And how did that go?" I ask feeling a bit nervous.

"Well, she said she'd rather not be with me."

"What?" I ask with wide eyes.

He cracks a smile and laughs, "I'm kidding."

"God. You scared me." I say resting my hand on my heart.

"You're so gullible."

I laugh, "shut up." He laughs along, "so what did she say?" I ask.

"She just told me that she thought I'd never ask." He smiles, "and... she kind of asked me to hang out when I get back home." He blushes.

"Oooh!" I nudge him, "Hayes is bluuuusshing!" I tease him.

He nudges back, "am not!"

"Whatever you say." I say rolling my eyes.

He starts walking to the back door, "oh, morgan?"


"Can you do me a favor?" He asks.

"Of course." I reply.

"Can you not tell Nash about Nicole? Or anyone?" He pleads.

I nod, "of course, Hayes. This will be our little secret." I say winking.

"Thanks, morgan!" He says revealingly running out the door.

I know I've only gotten to know Hayes for the last couple weeks, but I truly do think of him as a younger brother. I run up to my room to take my bags and everything I bought up to my closet. I put my new clothes away and sit on my bed checking my phone.

"Hey." Gilinsky says leaning against my door frame with his hands in his pockets.

"Yo Gilinsky. What's up?"

"Just heading up to my room to put some stuff away." He replies.

"Sweet. Got anything special?" I ask.

"Vans." He replies chuckling.

I laugh, "of course."

"Oh hey. I have something for you."

"What?" I ask.

"Just follow me."

We walk up to his room and to the closet with all the Penny Boards. He grabs a really nice yellow and blue one and hands it to me.

"Jack. You weren't serious about giving me one, were you?" I ask.

"Heck ya!"

"Jack." I say sighing.

"Hey. It's my gift to you. You have to accept it." He says handing me the board.

"I can't take it."

"It's really nothing. It's been used lots, and I got it as a gift anyways." He adds, "and look around." He says referring to all the boards hanging on his wall, "it's not gonna be missed."

I sigh and slowly take the board, "fine." I say smiling, "thanks, Jack."

"No problem." He smiles back at me, "one day I'll get you a board that is actually half decent."

"You promise?" I ask sarcastically.

He winks at me, "I promise." He says walking out of his room.

"Wait. Jack. You know I was kidding, right?" I ask him.

"I promise." He says smiling walking out of the room.

I was wrong about these boys. They actually do have a soft side.

•end of chapter •

A/N: sorry I haven't updated in a while!

I hope you enjoy chapter 9 ❤️

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