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"So, how'd you start with the hunting business?" Dean asked you curiously,  not hiding the fact that he was checking you out.
"Why?" You asked, waiting for him to say it.
"You don't exactly look like someone who'd hunt." He replied.
"Because I'm a girl?" You asked in annoyance.
"Because you're a hot girl." He corrected.
"Ok, wow. Firstly,  looks don't predetermine your future and secondly, you're an ass for thinking so." You rolled your eyes at him. You'd met so many hunters like him. It was getting old.
"I just meant, you were probably like prom queen on your way to some swanky university and a high end job and instead you're sitting here at Bobby's having a pre-demonhunting beer."
"Ok, I wasn't prom queen and I was hoping to get a scholarship so I could study criminology to become a cop and then a profiler." You replied. That used to be your plan. "So technically I'm just doing a different version of the job I wanted."
"Family?" Sam asked and you shook your head. "What killed them?"he asked.
"Wouldn't know, they ditched right after I was born,  they could still be alive." You shrugged nonchalantly.
"You have the means to check." Dean pointed out.
"I could,  but they left me, I decided as a kid to not let my dignity down enough to search for them." You replied honestly. You'd spent your whole life attempting to never need those who didn't want you around. Daddy issues.
"So how'd you start hunting then, because most start when something happens to their family." Sam looked at you curiously.
"I saw something in my hometown,  it was a ghost. So, i researched all I could about them, it was hurting people, making them crazy, and I knew no one would believe me, so I researched and tried every method until one of them finally worked and I killed it, or sent it on, whatever happens to them. Then, I sort of just decided that that's what I want to do." You answered.
"Most people don't choose this life happily." Dean remarked.
"Yeah, but, my life was too mundane, I used to crave any kind of adventure, and this makes me happy. I kick ass on a daily basis, save people and it makes me feel useful to the world, more useful than being a cop would of." You replied easily.
"You eejits done nattering now?" Bobby asked in his normal irritated voice,  as he came around the corner. You grinned at him, standing up.
"Let's go." You hoisted up your bag from the floor and opened it, bringing out iron knuckles that you'd reinforced with salt and slipping them on, flexing your hand. After that you pulled out a canister of spray paint for drawing traps and a hairspray bottle that you'd put holy water in. It'd taken you ages to perfect the pressure and that thing could spray over a few feet now. You clipped the stuff into the inside of your jacket and noticed the looks the guys were giving you.
"What?" You asked.
"Hairspray?" Bobby asked in disbelief. You chuckled, knowing he was probably thinking you planned on fixing your curls during the fight. It wasn't a bad idea, you sure as hell didn't want to die with a nappy head.
"Holy water. It's alot more handy than trying to open a flask during a fight, I'm surprised you guys haven't thought of doing something like this." You smirked at them and they all looked uncomfortable. 'Ha! Bested by the female. All hail Y/N!' You thought triumphantly.
"This is why you need female hunters, I mean you guys are smart in some ways, but you can be total dunces most of the time." You laughed as you led the way out the door, their protests and exuses following you.
Smiling to yourself in the car you thought about how you didn't regret choosing that life. It was hard and tiring and painful, heartbreaking at times, but you gained family.
And, as Bobby liked to remind you, family doesn't end with blood.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed that, I actually really enjoyed writing that one. If you liked it please give me a vote and comment any criticism or suggestions/ requests. Love you all, you beautiful fandom!

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