Cute, but Psycho(Dean X Reader)

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A/N: This is my first attempt at love... Bear with me guys, I suck at writing fluff, but here goes... If you have any suggestions comment them so I can Improve.

"Where are they?" The demon asked you as he pulled his blade out and sliced your stomach. He didn't stab you, just sliced you enough for you to feel the pain. You grimaced and then spat your bloody saliva at his face. He wiped it off with deliberate movements and then stuck a finger into one of the deeper cuts, making you yell out.
"Why are you loyal to them? You don't even know Sam and Dean left you here with no knowledge of this world at all and a broken heart." The demon pretended to feel bad for you.
That was the truth. He'd chatted you up on your shift at the bar and then you'd eventually agreed to date him, knowing in your mind that he was a fuckboy. That had led to seeing each other a lot and you'd even slept with him, which was no small thing in your books. You'd given yourself to him and then he'd randomly just told you that he was leaving and that was the last you saw of him. You hated him thoroughly for that. You'd spent so long trying to not fall in love and he'd changed your mind about that, only to stomp on your heart and move on to another town with a cheap floozy probably. Or someone as unlucky to trust him as you were.
"Screw you." You gasped. You'd never been a snitch and you didn't even have knowledge about this, but you weren't going to let your last words be begging words. Your mother raised you better than that.
"Maybe later sweetheart." The demon grinned evily as he stroked your bare thigh. You fought the urge to throw up.
There was commotion up above the wet cellar you were in and he smiled. "Just on time. See, I knew that you wouldn't know where they were, but, I also knew that they'd come to the rescue if they knew this was happening." He explained as he checked his watch.
"Go to hell." You spat out. The Winchesters were idiots and you worried about both of their wellbeings. You couldn't help yourself from feeling responsible for them.
"Been there, done that darling." The demon smiled and faced the door as it burst open.
"Just in time boys." He applauded.
"Let her go." A voice growled and your heart almost stopped. You couldn't see past the demon, but you could hear that voice perfectly and it sounded beautiful to your ears. It sounded like your first kiss at the age of 14 and fireworks on a celebration night and the smell of freshly cut grass. Those were all things that made you infinitely happy, made you feel infinite.
"I would, but I am growing to like her. She's feisty, aren't you?" He grinned at me.
"Bite me." You coughed out with a glare.
"Utterly adorable honestly." He grinned at me. You heard the noise of a blade. "Oh no Sammy, you're not going to kill me." The demon said gaily.
"And why not?" An unfamiliar voice asked through anger. You hadn't met Sam but you'd seen him from afar at the bar you worked at.
"Because I have a trade for you. You'll want to hear about it." He gloated and you imagined yourself beating that stupid face to a pulp.
"And what's that?" Sam asked.
"The girl for a favour." The demon replied.
"What favour?" Dean asked.
"I'll tell you when I need it." The demon smirked and your heart flopped to the ground. Demons lie, you didn't know how you knew, but you knew he was going to cheat the deal.
"Fine." Dean replied through gritted teeth and you frowned.
"Don't." You said.
"Adorable really." The demon replied as he smirked at you again. You were really starting to gain fury, you were ready to kill him. You still hasn't been able to see Dean and that bothered you.
"Now leave before I kill you." Dean snapped.
"I don't think I will, I just realized what a bargaining chip I have in the girl. I'll keep her, or better yet, I'll kill her." He turned to face you and before you could blink had his knife pressed against your throat. Your blood ran cold. You were really going to die. He was going to kill you. You wondered what was out there after life. Would you go anywhere? Would it be a better place? You felt sad that you hadn't really lived.
"Let go of her." Dean commanded and you looked up straight into his green eyes. All of a sudden time was frozen and you noticed the details, you noticed the dirt and blood that stained his whole body, from head to toe, you noticed his hair and felt like you could see every strand, you noticed how the world seemed to be in black and white, like an artistic photograph. You noticed the giant behind him. Jeeze! Was Sam really that tall? You would've whistled out of impressment,but, you were having difficulties breathing.
Your eyes shut as you felt pressure build up on your throat and a warm wet liquid run down your neck down into your cleavage. You hated the feeling of things falling between your boobs. You almost laughed at yourself for having that as your last thoughts.
You closed your eyes as you felt him slicing, feeling your consciousness drain away.

"Wake up!" A voice dragged you out of slumber and you slowly opened your eyes. Was this heaven? You were on a soft bed and all you could smell was detergent, but the nice detergent that smelled even better after being in the sun all day.
"Hey." You heard the voice again and looked around until your eyes fell on Dean. You sat up, blinked and looked again. He was still there.
"I'm so sorry." He looked apologetic, but, you'd made yourself a promise for when and if you ever saw him again.  You motioned for him to come closer and when he did you slapped him across the cheek. He put his hand against the red mark in disbelief. "OK, so I deserved-" he stared as he turned back towards you and you sent another slap at him, this time on the other cheek. "Jeeze, stop it!" He said in surprise as he rubbed his other cheek.
"How am I alive?" You asked slowly, your throat wasn't 100%.
"He didn't get your throat. We got him first." Dean replied.
"I need to go home." You said.
"What?" He choked out in disbelief."You're not going back there. You're going somewhere where I can watch you and that's only after you're fully healed." He ordered.
"Why do you care?" You asked. Your voice really raspy.
"Because you're it Y/N." He replied. "I need to know that you're safe or else I can't go on."
You stared at him in shock. Did he just allude to love?
"Why'd you leave?" You had to ask, you looked away as you did.
"I thought that I was keeping you safe." He replied.
"That's not your decision to make." You growled at him. You felt annoyed at his answer. Who was he to make choices that affected both of you? "It was my decision as well Dean."
"I'm sorry." Dean instantly looked remorseful.
"Don't do that." You sighed.
"Do what?" He asked.
"Apologize like that." You replied. "Its not your fault you're an idiot." You grinned slyly at him. What you wanted to tell him was that not everything was on him. He literally was always ready to bear another burden and you didn't want to make yourself some added weight on his baggage list.
"That right there is probably why I left." He chuckled and you glared at him.
"Too soon." You pouted. You knew he was also trying to lighten the mood up, but he sucked at doing that.
"Sorry." He frowned and then cursed. "I don't know what to say to make this better."
"How about the truth?" You asked.
He sighed and paced the room for a while, looking pained.
"Don't tell me the truth if it's anything wierder than the past while has been." You eyed him nervously. He looked like he was about to admit to something odd and hard to swallow.
"The truth is,the truth is leaving was the hardest thing I've done and I know that it may be the safest choice, but I don't ever want to do that again." He admitted. "I guess I love you." He said awkwardly.
You felt your eyes pop out at the word love. Did he just say he loved you?
"Am I dead?" You asked,eyeing the strange room you were in.
"No." He chuckled.
"Oh." You eyed him,letting what he said sink in. He had just said he loved you! You felt your heart soar a bit and a smile touched your lips, you couldn't surpress it if you tried.
"I love you too Dean, and I swear to God, next time you leave with no explanation at all and a lame goodbye I'm going to kick your ass." You threatened. "And then hurt Baby." You added as an afterthought.
"You wouldn't." He looked shocked at the thought. His look of disbelief was hilarious to you and you felt your grin widening to Cheshire Cat proportions.
"Test me." You crossed your arms. In reality you wouldn't, you weren't that girl, but you felt like you needed to threaten him a bit in place of the slaps that you hadn't delivered. You had originally planned to hit him 3 times for being an ass and the number escalated when that demon educated you on Dean's world.
"You're psycho." He eyed you nervously and you grinned at him in response.
"Cute, but psycho, but also cute." You corrected.
He leaned in and kissed you on the forehead, your lips were still raw and sore and your evil grin probably also deterred him from them as well, "But psycho." He whispered.
A/N: That's the longest one I've done so far guys! Do you like it? Do you want more like it or a part 2?  Rate/comment and tell me. Don't be strangers.😏
Ooh and thanks for reading, you beautiful fandom.😙

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