our song

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Me and Noah were sitting in his car at the lake listening to the radio. We had got in a fight earlier and we both hated the fact we were mad at each other. We had a dredfull silence in the car until I broke the silence.

Liv: I love you.
Noah: I love you to.

We climed in the back seat and cuddled falling asleep until I heard our song come on. Noah pulled me closer and kissed my neck.

Liv: it's our song.
Noah: I know.

How did I get so lucky. He's everything I've ever wanted and more. I fell asleep pretty fast and so did Noah.

He makes me feel safe, and happy, and like I'm not just any other girl. He makes me feel like I'm the only girl.

(I know it was short but I liked it and I hope you do to)

Horror Freaks (Noah Foster)Where stories live. Discover now