My bad day

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*click clack*  
"It smells like hot guys in here" I say.
"I want the whole liquor bottle, for free." I say as I use compulsion on a bartender.

I grab the bottle and starts chugging it.
"Careful princess, get too lit." unknown says.

I laugh.

"Are you calling me a lightweight?" I ask while smirking.
"Maybe. Are you a lightweight?" He asks while smiling.
"I'm Drake." he says.
"Katherine." I say

He takes the bottle and starts drinking it.
"You're a dick." I say.

"I know." He smirks.

"Do you know what I like more then liquor?" I ask

"What?" He asks.

"blood." I say.
"Ha-ha very funny." He says sarcastically.
I take the bottle, and throws it at the wall.
"Rude." He says.

We stare at each other, then we just randomly start kissing.

We go in the elevator.
I feel this sharp pain in my stomach, and I look down. He staked me.
I laugh "evilly"

"I should've known a hot guy like you would be a hunter." I say.

"You know, we could've had something good." I say.

"I don't kiss vampires." He said.
"Oooh, tough luck because you did." I smirk.
"How can you be so evil?" He asks.

"Oh sweetie, i'm not." I say.

"but sometimes, a girl has to do what a girl has to do." I smirk.
I kick him and took the stake out.

"Phew that feels better." I say.

I grab him, and I start drinking his blood.
"You taste sweet." I say.
Then I start kissing him again.

"You really are evil." He says.
"Just shut up and kiss me before I kill you." I say.

*a couple hours later*

"I should've killed you." he said.

"maybe." I say.

"I like you, but i'm hungry." I say.

I start drinking his blood, until I feel something hit me.
I got shot.

"You've got to be kidding me." I say.

I turned around with blood on my face and my fangs out, and I go after the guy who shot me.

but he shot me again.
"who are you?" he asks me.

"Katherine Pierce." I smirk.

I take his gun and hit him with it.

"Nobody messes with the badass queen Katherine." I smirk.
"Except me." I hear someone say.

I turn around and then I felt this other pain, worse then anything.
I got shot again, but this hurt the most.

Suddenly everything got dark, and I fell.

*one day later*

"ugh, where am I?" I say.

"what the hell-" 
I look around and I see other vampires. I looked at my arms and saw that he was draining me of my blood.

"You look like you haven't slept for years, I guess that's because you're being drained of your
blood." Drake says.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"So if you escape, which you can't because you will have no energy, you can't hurt me." Drake says.

He came over to me with a stake laced in vervain, and stabs me with it. Blood starts pouring out of mouth, and I start crying.

"a-are you crying?" he asks in confusion.

"You stabbed me." I say.

"Yeah but you're Katherine Pierce, and you don't cry." He says.

He takes a knife and cuts my skin, and it doesn't heal fast.
He keeps doing it, and then he gets vervain and starts pouring it in my wound.
Then everything gets dark, and all I can feel is the sharp sting of my tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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