Chapter 2

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Ciara P.O.V

It spreads all over my body. Toes, fingers, arms and everything. I screamed out in pain as my bones start to crack and reshape. My body feels like it's burning with fire. Every part of my skin is jolted with this unknown pain. Every cell is reacting. My arms spasm as they roll across the grass.

Finally, it stops. I hear the squirrel skitter across the forest ground. My ears perk up curiously. Wait, what? I stood on shaky legs. Well, I should say...four legs. I yelped in surprise and tripped over my legs, landing on my wolfy butt. I'm a wolf! Holy freaking crap! I trotted over the the lake to see my fur's color. What in the hell! Red, white, and gold. White wolves are super rare. Yet multi-colored wolves were legendary. No one has every seen a multi-colored wolf in a thousand years.

I turned around in circles to get a full view of my wolf. And hollyy crap! She was huge and beautiful. "Why thank you," Artelina said. "Now go hunt because we are starving." Ohh yeah. I walked into the woods looking for some food to eat. I raised my nose in the air and sniffed. A deer. Probably 2 miles away. I followed the previous trail the deer left behind, once in a while sniffing the air.

Found it. I carefully walked slowly, not breaking my eyes away from the deer. Closer, and closer. With the right distance and time, I thundered my paws on the ground and took a huge bite on the deer's neck. The deer yelped before it went still. "Wow, that was pretty good for the first kill," I thought. Letting the blood drain out from the neck, I held the deer in between my powerful jaws and dragged it back to the lake.

Once my hunger was fed, I shifted back in human form to bathe myself in the lake. Washing the dirt and grease away from my hair and body. I looked at my reflection. My red hair now had gold streaks in it. My breasts is now full and plump. My legs, super soft and long. And finally, my body is curvier then before. Now I was getting super nervous. What was happening to me? Why am I changing?

I hear a twig snap behind me. I whipped around to find three males, one male with power radiating off of him. Their eyes bulged when they looked at me. Eyes went lower, and lower. "Stop looking at me like I'm a piece or meat!" I cried out. They snapped out of their trance and tossed me a shirt and shorts. I went behind a rock to change. "Perverts," I muttered to myself.

Stepping out of my hiding place, the male radiating power off him snarled, "What are you doing here rouge?" I raised an eyebrow which one of the male behind him licked his lips. "This is a no man's land." I smirked confidently. "This is very close to our territory. Who knows if you will attack any time," The man snapped and added "We are the shining moon pack." My eyes widened. The Shining Moon pack! The powerful and strongest pack in the country! I fiddled with my fingers nervously now.

"So what do you want to do with me now?" I whispered. The male smirked at my fear. "We want you to come with us and let the alpha decide what we are going to do with you." I nodded at them and started to head towards their direction. The man who licked his lips at me grabbed my hips and said, "Yeah. You heard the beta. Let's go." How dare he set his hands on us! Artelina growled. I shoved his hands away from me. "Keep your hands to yourself!" I growled viciously. He reached his hands out once more, till the beta saw what was happening. "Keep it in your pants!" He commanded.

I snickered quietly to myself as we kept walking. "Why don't we shift and run to the pack house?" The third male suggested. "No!" I quickly said. I can't let them know about my wolf! "Why not?" The beta tested me. "Because... uh.... walking is way better." I weakly answered. I mentally smacked myself on the forehead. Great excuse, Artelina snicker in my mind. "Well how about we shift and you run with us in human form!" The beta challenged. I wasn't sure about this. Do it! Artelina said. Trust me.

"Ok," I heard my lips say. The trio looked at me in surprise. They shifted right in front of my eyes and started running. "Hey! That's not fair!" I yelled at them. Let me take over, Artelina said. I handed my wolf control. Then, my body started running at inhumane speed. What the hell? I surprisingly caught up with them as they glanced at me with shocked looks. I slowly but surely outran them. Good job! I complimented to Artelina.

We were at the pack house no time when my wolf handed control back to me. The group of males caught up with me and looked at me with startled faces. "What in the world was that?" The beta said to himself as he walked into the pack house. Artelina started pacing back and forth nervously. What's wrong? I asked her. She said nothing but slip into the dark corners of my mind,

We neared the Alpha office and Artelina started to really freak out. I once again started to ask her what's wrong when this scent hit me likes ton of bricks. It smelled like the woods and pine trees. Another mate? I thought to myself. Artelina howled in anxiety. I walked in the Alpha office as my wolf braced herself for something. But it never came.

A gorgeous male stood up and looked at me in the eyes. His silver orbs flecked with blue swirled with adoration and love. He ran his hand in his blue hair.

"Mate," we spoke at the same time.

A/N Please vote, comment and share! I love hearing your feedback at the story. What did you think about when Artelina freaked out? What about this blue-haired mate of hers?

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