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Jennifer pov

It was the same day, I was asleep on the couch.

I felt the bus come to a stop and with the noise, I happen to wake up.

Hunter- "hey" he said seating down next to me

Me- "hey"

I looked at him

Then turned the opposite direction

I got out my phone, Mark texted me

Hunter- "so what are you planning to do today"

(I literally just wrote that part in bold🙄 whatever😂💗)

I was confused but went along with it

Me- "um... Me, Jacob, and our friends are planning to hang out on the bus while everyone else goes to the beach"

Hunter- "am I invited?" He said laughing lightly

Me- "um yeah"


It was about 7:30 pm. We were now in Virginia. I was texting Mark again.


Mark- we're all in the car right now and we'll be their in about 7 minutes estimate😛

Me- ok, hey hunters hanging with us and everyone else is going to the beach for a bond fire then we're gonna meet up with them later😛💗

Mark- litttt😂❤️

Me- 😂

Me- anyways😂 me, hunter, and Jacob are waiting in the bus. Everyone else already left🙃

Mark- ok well bye❤️

Me- 💕


Me, Jacob, and hunter were seating down. Jacob on the couch, me on the floor, and hunter in the booth.

It was awkward as hell.

We were all silent.

I was biting my lip because I felt like laughing because of how awkward it was.

Jacob was rocking his feet back and forth repeatedly.

Knock on the door

Omg thank the lord they're here.

I got up and went to open the door, Jacob and hunter followed.

Mark- "hey"

Me- "hey" I said adding a smile.

Everyone repeated the same thing Mark said.

They all walked in and we sat on the floor.

Rosa- "so what are we gonna play"

Tyler- "let's play truth or dare"

We all agreed and started off with Victoria.

Rosa- "ok, Victoria I dare you to... Eat a spoon full of ketchup"

I laughed.

Victoria- "fine"

I got up to get the ketchup. The ketchup was in the little ketchup bags cause we don't have an actually jar of ketchup.

I grabbed it and gave it to Victoria.

She digested it and then started choking but not a very serious choking.

She coughed it off and we moved on.

Tyler- "ok my turn. Jennifer I dare you and hunter to play seven minutes in heaven"

Jennifer- "I-I don't know what that is?"

Authors note:

Extremely boring update🙄. I'll update tomorrow💗

- xoxo

Vanish // Jacob Sartorius ♡ Where stories live. Discover now