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the day after that i didn't count my scars.

i sat in my chair behind the counter in silence, looking at the sky full of stars.

"they are beautiful, aren't they?"

i didn't hear you walk in that morning at 2:53. all i could do was nod.

you stared at me with with your blue eyes and i thought that the Stars had been captured into them.

i stared back at you, my brown eyes boring into your blue orbs.

i didn't thought there could be so much shades of blue mixed together.

"i think the stars are smart for being far away. we can't ruin them that way."

i could just agree with you. i didn't talk that day, but that was okay.

because i will never forget the eyes that hold the Galaxy.


stars [n.h] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat