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i waited for you too long that morning at 2:52 am. i liked to think that we were the only people crazy enough to meet between 1 and 3 am in an old diner.

as cliché movies and books say; we may be crazy, but you're my kind of crazy.

i started to feel things for you, blue-eyed boy. and i don't even know your name.

i thought about how you counted stars.
i thought about how i counted scars.

i thought about your eyes.

you came in running, your hair was falling in many directions and your eyes were bloodshot.

you probably thought you looked like a mess.

but all i saw was a beautiful mess.

"i need to know your name."

perhaps it's was the intensity in your look, or maybe the determination in your voice, or it could've been your words.

i blinked twice, confused.

"i'm lena."

you nodded.
"hi, lena, i'm niall and i'm in love with you."

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