Chapter 3

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The picture above is of jay
The next morning
*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

Ugh stupid alarm clock
" alright I'm up I'm up!" I yell at my alarm clock. ...and now I feel stupid I just yelled at an inanimate object...
Really sparrow I think to myself why am I so weird
I groan as I get up and get ready to go to school

30 min later

"Keys, coffee and jacket alright time to go"
I say as I lock the door to my house and take my motorcycle out of the garage and drive to school.

I get to school and there is the usual populars standing there like a bunch of idiots waiting for their prey (me)  I park my motorcycle and walk towards the doors of my high school

"Hey where do you think you're going" one of the populars called out to me

Man they are really trying to get to me today aren't they Im not going to let them get to me today

I keep walking towards the doors trying to ignore them. But then one of them grabs my shoulder and shoves me

"Hey I asked you a question"

I have had enough for one day I swing around and punch her square in the nose.

"To school" I reply with a smile and walk off if there is one thing my parents taught me before they died is "never throw the first hit, but you can throw the second, third, fourth until the fight is finished ."

*One long boring school day later*

I hear the door to my coffee shop open and in walks jay

"Wow looks like you got your hands full" he says as he looks around at the packed coffee shop

"You're telling me, you want the usual?" I ask him

"Sure"  he said
"Sooo I heard miss goodie two shoes got sent to the principles office today for punching one of the populars  and breaking her nose" he smirked at me

I gasped. "I broke her nose... Heh oops" My face turns red.  " yeah I have had enough of her"

"I also got detention for a month" I mumble

He chuckles "yeah I heard that to"

"I will be needing help with the coffee shop"

"I can help if you want "

I smirk handing him his coffee "are you being nice to me?"

"Don't get used to it princess"

I growl at the name he just called me as he chuckles " so do you want my help or not "


"Thanks for the coffee"
he says as he hands me the pay for the coffee and walks out

I call to his back and he turns around

"Thank you" I say

He smiles and turns back and walks out


Love and coffeeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن