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"Today is the second to last day of OGDTBCIJE." Phil announced sadly as he ate his cereal from his bowl. "I really don't want it to end but at the same time, I have something very special planned for the very last day."
"What about today?" I asked as I ate my cereal from my bowl. I wasn't convinced by Phil's reasoning to eat cereal from the box rather than the bowl. "Don't you have something very special for today?"
"Of course I do." Phil grabbed one last handful of cereal before he closed the box and put it away. "I've had something planned for every single day of OGDTBCIJE."
"Well, what's activity one?" I went over to the sink and began washing my bowl and spoon.
"Activity one of OGDTBCIJE day five is watching Christmas Vacation because that movie is funny as hell." Phil went out into the living room in order to get the movie out and put it into the DVD player.
"Good choice." I put the bowl and spoon into the dish drying rack before joining him out into the living room. I sat done on the couch and waited for him to join me. Once he did, I wrapped my arm around him as he turned on the TV and grabbed the remote to the DVD player.
"You better be ready to laugh your ass off." Phil pressed the fast forward button so that we could skip past all of the trailers.
"Oh, I'm ready." I assured him.


"Dan, wake up."
"What?" I mumbled, still in a half asleep state. "What happened?"
"We were on our third movie of our Christmas in July movie marathon when we both fell asleep."
"Did I really fall asleep on your shoulder?" I moved my neck and a surge of pain shot through my entire body.  "Fuck, my neck hurts. I slept on it wrong."
Phil smiled. "Activity two of OGDTBCIJE day five is now giving Dan a neck massage."
"No Phil, you don't-"
"Sit down on the floor and let me at least try and make your neck feel better."
I knew I wasn't going to be able to convince him otherwise so I pushed the ottoman out of my way so that I had room to sit on the floor without crossing my legs so that made me uncomfortable after a while. Once I sat down, I heard Phil cracking his knuckles before he actually started giving me a neck massage.
"Oh, this feels really nice darling. Thank you."
Phil chuckled. "You're welcome sweetie. I'll do anything to make you feel better."


After quite some time, Phil stopped massaging my neck because he claimed that his hands were tired.
"Thank you again for the neck massage darling." I smiled up at him. "My neck feels so much better because you did that for me."
Phil smiled back at me. "It's no problem at all sweetie. I'm just trying to be a good fiancé."
"Well, you're doing a really good job." I grabbed ahold of his hand and squeezed it tightly.
Phil giggled. "Are you ready to start activity three of OGDTBCIJE day five?"
"Yes I am." I grinned. "What is it that we're doing?"
Phil stood up and opened up the ottoman. "Grab your blanket because activity three of OGDTBCIJE day five involves us cuddling up to the fire and reading Christmas stories!"
"You get the blankets while I grab all the Christmas books!" I surprised myself when I suddenly stood up and ran upstairs to where we stored all of our Christmas books. I grabbed every single one of them and was forced to walk slowly so that I wouldn't drop any of them.

"Wow, I'm so surprised that you managed to carry every single of them down in one trip." Phil was in the kitchen making hot chocolate for the two of us.
"I can't believe you ever doubted me to begin with." I laughed a bit as I set the books down near the fireplace. I could see that two blankets were already there waiting.
"Sorry love." Phil laughed as well as I joined him in the kitchen. He placed the first cup of hot chocolate in the microwave and immediately got to work on making the second cup of hot chocolate. "You're amazing and all but you aren't perfect. But I don't mind the fact that you're imperfect. Wanna know why?"
"I don't mind the fact that you're imperfect because your imperfections are beautiful." Phil heard the microwave beep and immediately opened it up and wrapped a towel around the mug so that he didn't have to grab it with his bare hands and risk getting a burn. "I really like them."
"Aw Phil, stop it right now." I felt my face starting to get hot and knew that there was a blush creeping into my face if it wasn't already apparent.
Phil giggled as he placed the second cup of hot chocolate into the microwave before shutting the door and pressing a few buttons before hitting the start button. "No, I'd rather not. Your blush is absolutely adorable Daniel Howell."
"No it's not Philip Lester and you know that!" I covered up my face since I hated my blush so much.
"Uncover your face or else."
"Or else what?" I asked him, smirking.
"Or else I'm cancelling activity three of OGDTBCIJE day five and OGDTBCIJE day six as a whole."
"No, please don't do that!" I begged and uncovered my face a moment later.
"I won't now since you have followed through with my request." Phil laughed as he slid the first cup of hit chocolate across the counter and over to me. "Thank you for doing so by the now. Your cooperation is much appreciated."
"Yeah, yeah." I laughed and rolled my eyes before I carefully wrapped my hands around the mug. I carefully lifted it up to my lips and sipped the hot chocolate. After I took a sip, I carefully placed it back down on the table. "This hot chocolate is really good Phil."
"Thank you." He gave me a smile as he went over to the microwave and opened it up. He followed the same procedure of wrapping a towel around the mug in order to get it out of the microwave as he did before. "I'm really glad that you enjoy it."


"What book do you want to read first?" I asked Phil as he got ourselves wrapped up in our blankets and got close to the fire so that we could feel the heat that was coming off of it.
"The Grinch Who Stole Christmas!" Phil cried out almost immediately. He sounded like a child who was eagerly awaiting their mom, dad, or maybe even grandparent to read them a story before bed.
I chuckled and carefully placed my hot chocolate down on the carpet before finding and grabbing The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. "Are you ready for your story Phil?"
He nodded eagerly.
I laughed again and opened the book. I cleared my throat before I began reading the story to him.

Christmas In July {Phan} (Book Two) Where stories live. Discover now