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"What the hell?" I woke up to a bright light shining in my face.
"I wanted to try a new way of waking you up." Phil laughed. I was immediately confused when my vision adjusted to my surroundings and when I saw that Phil was wearing a tuxedo.
"You're dressed very nicely for activity one of OGDTBCIJE day six." I noted.
"Look down." Phil laughed.
My heart immediately leapt into my throat when I saw that I was also wearing a tuxedo. "Philip Michael Lester, please explain to me why I'm wearing a tuxedo. Please also explain to me how you managed to get it on me while I was sleeping."
Phil giggled. "First of all, you're wearing a tuxedo because today's our wedding silly! Second of all, I don't really know how I managed to get in on you while you were sleeping. I guess you're a super heavy sleeper." He giggled again.
"I guess so." I stood up and stretched before rubbing sleep out of my eyes. "Wait, what do you mean our wedding's today? You said that you wanted to wait until it started snowing in London before getting married."
Phil laughed. "I was joking. I had the wedding planned for day six of OGDTBCIJE all along." He laughed again. "You actually thought that I wanted to wait until it starts snowing again before we got married. You actually fell for it."
I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, I did fall for it. I guess you're just that great of a liar."
"I hated lying to you but I really wanted it to be surprise." He smiled.
I smiled back. "It was a surprise alright."


Phil and I stood underneath the London Eye looking deep into each other's eyes. Phil had a rose pinned near his bow tie and I had the exact same thing. He loved it that we matched and I was glad that I was able to make him happy.
"You look handsome Dan." Phil whispered to me with a smile on his face. He was only whispering because he knew that the pastor was going to start speaking soon.
"Thank you. You look handsome too Phil." I whispered back to him, also having a smile on my face.
He blushed a bit and looked down at his shoes briefly.
"You may now be seated." The pastor nodded to Phil's family. My family didn't show up of course. I didn't even invite them because I knew that it was going to be a waste of time and I would just get told that being gay is wrong and whatnot all over again and I really didn't want to deal with it. Today is supposed to be the greatest day of my life and I want to keep it that way.
The pastor cleared his throat before he resumed speaking, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two souls. These two souls that stand before us today are closing a chapter of their relationship and opening up a new one. This chapter will bring both joy and sorrow but I'm confident when I say that I know that these two young meant will stick together through it all." The pastor turned to me. "Do you, Daniel James Howell, take Philip Michael Lester to have and to hold as your loving and caring husband, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"
I gave Phil the biggest smile I've ever given him in the time that we've know each other. "I do."
The pastor gave me a small smile before turning to Phil. "Do you, Philip Michael Lester, take Daniel James Howell to have and to hold as your loving and caring husband, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"
Phil smiled back at me. "I do."
"Very well. You may now kiss the groom."
Before I could even make a move, Phil wrapped his arms around me and dipped me down to the ground before pressing his lips to mine. I heard applause erupting as I kissed him back and I could even hear his mother sobbing.
Once we both needed a breath, we both pulled away and smiled at each other.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go party!"
I laughed as we linked arms and started walking down the aisle towards the building where our party was going to be held.


"I'm so happy for the both of you!" Phil's mother hugged the both of us so tightly that it was hard to breathe. "You two are going to have a wonderful life together!"
Phil smiled and held his wine in his hand. "Thank you Mom. I really hope that we will."
She smiled and gave us a wave before heading back into the crowd. A moment later, Phil's great grandmother came up to us holding a large painting.
"I have something for the both of you." She smiled as she held up a painting of the two of us locked in a kiss while it was snowing. Street lamps illuminated the scenery and snow was covering the ground. Snowflakes could faintly be seen in both Phil's and my hair.
"It's beautiful great granny." Phil smiled as he took the painting from her. "Thank you so much. You must've spent a lot of time on it."
"I did but it was worth it." It was nice to see that she was still doing well for her age and that she was well enough to attend the wedding. "You two make each other very happy. I can see it in both of your eyes when you look at each other."
"Yes, Dan does indeed make me very happy." Phil smiled as he wrapped his free arm around me. "He's even going to make me happy for the rest of my life."
Phil's great grandmother chuckled. "Well, I'll let you boys get back to celebrating."
"Bye great granny!" Phil called to her as she started to walk away. "Thanks again for the painting!"


"There we go." Phil stepped down from the ladder and smiled up at the painting. We had agreed to hang it above the fireplace. "I made sure it was extra secure so that it wouldn't fall."
"It looks amazing." I smiled as I admired it again. "Your great granny has so much talent."
"Doesn't she?" Phil stood next to me and wrapped an arm around me. He sighed happily before adding, "So Dan, I've got a question for you."
"What's your question Phil?" I looked over at him and smiled.
"Was OGDTBCIJE a success?"
I pressed my lips to his. "What do you think?"
Phil laughed a little against my lips. "I think yes."
"Your thinking is correct." I wrapped my arms around him and passionately kissed him.

Christmas In July {Phan} (Book Two) Where stories live. Discover now