They Meet

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Wow was all I could think when I saw her. This was my wife? They made my life easy.

"Hey I'm Lucas." I said extending my hand. "Maya" she replied without a smile or even shaking my hand. So maybe they didn't make it as easy as I thought. "Where are you from?" I asked trying to make conversation. "Lake Charles, Louisiana. You?" "I'm from Austin, Texas. Where is your accent from?" I was puzzled, most people I know had a southern accent. She had a southern accent but it was hinted with something I couldn't put my finger on. "i'm from Louisiana, Almost everyone has a Cajun accent. Some of us speak Cajun french. That's where it comes from Ranger Rick." I could  see a smile creeping up on her beautiful face. "So do you speak Cajun French?" "Tu commences à me gonfler " She said laughing. "What does that mean?" I aid said smiling. "It means your a pain in the ass."

"Where should the ceremony be held?" My mother asked "I would like it in a church, preferably a Methodist church." Maya said. " I'm good with that" I said and honestly I didn't care if she planned the entire wedding with us getting married with a giraffe ceremony. She was my wife. This beautiful girl was my wife. "What about the reception?" "I want it in a barn" I said "I want to keep it country." "That's exactly what I was thinking! We could have white fabric hanging from the ceiling and under that there could be lights. And lace, lots of lace and candles and maybe some sparkles here and there" Maya said , her face lighting up. "What do you think , Lucas?" She asked. "I love it." "What about your dress?" Maya's mom asked. "I really don't know, I was thinking a ballgown. And Lucas? Your wearing a tux, there will be no questions about that. Understand?" "Yes ma'am" I said tipping my hat.


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