Chapter 21 - Rayna

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I grin at him, waiting by the gate with Blake. Both of them wave and Evander's fingers tighten on my hand, dragging me forwards in excitement.

'Haddie!' He calls and Hayden laughs. After giving him a hug, the two young boys high five one another in welcome. I'm guessing that they've become closer after Blake stayed at ours.

'Good morning,' Hayden tells me, wrapping his arms around me.

'Barely,' I say, suppressing the urge to yawn. He studies me carefully once he pulls away and I know what he sees. Last night my mind was alive with thoughts invading every part of my head and I can't say I slept for long. Something was bugging me constantly, forcing to stay awake and alert until my alarm rang for the next morning. I can't say I've tried with my appearance and so I probably look my worst at the moment.

'Are you okay?' He asks, narrowing his eyes and I nod with the most energy I can possibly muster.

'Great,' I say.

Ever since my mum didn't take Evander to school, I've been paranoid she'll forget again and so I agreed to take it on myself to make sure he arrives. Because Hayden drops off Blake in the morning, I decided to tag along for some company on the way.

At first we stay in silence, the only sound being from our steps as they stand on the pavement below. Evander and Blake are further ahead, chatting amongst themselves and ever so often shoving each other jokingly.

'I never expected them to be friends,'

'Same, I just thought Blake would leave Evander alone, I didn't know they'd actually get closer,'

'Well you know he can come over whenever he wants..and you can too,'

He laughs.

'I might just take you up on that offer at one point,'

I exhale and twirl a strand of my hair around my fingers, getting ready to ask him the question that had been bugging me since yesterday.

'Why were you so worried with what I thought about you dating Mia yesterday?' I ask him and he stiffens before relaxing.

'No reason,' He says.

'Are you sure?'

'I just wanted to make sure friends were okay with it is all,'


I meet Hayden's eyes once and he smiles at me. He's walking so close to me and every so often his arm brushes up against my own, an exhilarating feeling. I want to hold his hand so badly, his fingers only inches away from my own. I want to reach out and take them in my own and yet I won't because, deep down, I know it's wrong and I shouldn't be having these thoughts. Not to mention that he has a girlfriend now. Thinking about Mia makes me shrink away and I turn away from him, distancing the space between us.

'Ray?' He asks and I look up at him.


'What's the matter?'

He must've noticed the obvious movement. I just hope he's not insulted.

'Absolutely nothing,' I say though I'm far from it. In my mind, I'm an utter mess with confusion littering my thoughts. I must want to understand the meaning behind my uncontrollable emotions especially when it comes to Hayden.

I don't question any further and the two of us drop Evander and Blake off at school before hurrying back to our own. It's an uncomfortable journey full of pauses and one word answers and I can tell he feels relief when our other friends come into view.

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