Chapter 23 - Rayna

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'Rayna,' A weak voice calls me from downstairs. Evander stops to stare at me and I shake my head in reassurance indicating I'll be back up in a minute.

I shut the door once I'm outside of my room and step down the stairs as quietly as I possibly can. I turn the corner and see my mother sat straight backed on the sofa. Her hair is pulled into a sleek ponytail, suit pristine and make up perfect as always.

And yet...something is wrong.

Her eyes are downcast, as if she's refusing to meet my gaze and it fills me with nervousness, she's not acting herself.

She clenches her fingers into fists before stretching them and I view her pale pink nail varnish, clearly cracked in many areas as if she'd been chewing them.

A very bad sign.

She gestures to a chair placed conveniently in front of her.

'Sit,' She says, as if I'm a dog. I do as she says though and study her carefully, checking for any hint that this could be a joke though I know it isn't. My mother doesn't joke.

'What's wrong,' I ask and she shakes her head.

'Who says anything's wrong?' She asks quickly though it doesn't sound real, her voice wavering and at a high pitch. She's awful at lying.

'Mother, please,' I say and she sighs.

'Evander isn't with you is he?' She glances at the archway, as if she suspects he's hiding there.

'No he's waiting upstairs,'

'Good,' She takes a deep breath and grimaces. She looks as if she's in pain and I'm worried for her. Instead, she exhales and brushes down her blazer though there isn't anything on it. I sometimes feel like she does it on purpose since it's a frequent habit around me. I think she sees me as a speck of dust, or an itchy label.

'I want to talk to you about something,' She says slowly, as if struggling to let the words out, 'and it's very important...extremely important, you have to listen,'

I grasp an insight on what I think she's about to say and mentally panic.

'It's not about Kyle is it?' I ask and for a moment I think I've guessed right. But then, she frowns.

'Why would it be about Kyle? What's he got to do with this?'

' he hasn' doesn't matter, carry on,'

I've relieved that Kyle hasn't been hurt yet and I hope he doesn't. She analyses my every movement before speaking again.

'We both know it's your eighteenth birthday coming up soon,' She states, like it's the most obvious fact in the world. I'm completely aware myself and am, in fact, full of excitement to finally become an adult.

'I know,' I say back and she nods in approval.

'Well we have some things to discuss,'


I become excited, anticipating her agreement for my birthday plans. Perhaps a smaller party to invite my close friends, or maybe I can have my first proper drink of alcohol though I know I don't like it, it'll be more for the experience. I am barely able to keep still on my seat, thinking of all the ideas to finally celebrate my eighteenth.

'I want you to move out,'

I don't dare to breath, don't dare to remove my gaze from her own as I try to absorb the information I've just been given. She doesn't show any signs of remorse, instead sitting up properly as if she's proud of herself.

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