Decapitation of... who?

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Dean’s POV

The little pixie one let me in. I stumbled through the door, relieved.

“You have to help me!” I gasped.

I looked up. All eight vampires were staring at me in surprise. I backed up a little.

“What do you need help with?” The head vampire, who I now knew was Carlisle, the doctor.

“Where’s your brother?” The really tall guy that looked like a muscled Sam (not saying my brother’s not muscly) asked.

“I don’t know,” I replied, making my voice sound sad. “That’s what I need help with.”

“It’s our type.” Alice, the pixie one that let me in, said matter-of-factly.

“Do you know where?” I demanded.

Alice shook her head. “That. I can’t tell. Sorry.” She added, seeing my upset expression.

“I think I might know someone who does.” I muttered. I eyed the vampires warily. And then, very slowly and reluctantly. I turned my back on them. 

“Castiel!” I shouted to the ceiling. “Cas. We... I need you. There’s a problem. Uh. Cas! Do you copy?”

I turned back around. Half expecting to find a vampire with it’s fangs to my throat. Thankfully, none were. All eight of them were exchanging confused glances.

A voice coughed behind me. “Dean!” I spun around in fright. Castiel was standing there. Wearing his trench coat, as usual.

“Cas!” I breathed in relief.

“What’s the matter?” He asked me urgently, “Where’s Sam?”

There was a long silence.

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