time flies by so fast!

68 2 6

Stuff goes down with fury, and she rage quits the clan.
Fury: mousestar is dead! Luna is leader now, I'm sick of Shit! *drama drama*
Me: Uhm... OK. Are you sure?
Fury: *no answer*
Me: fury answer me.
Fury: *no answer*
Me: fine. I'll be leader.
Me:*goes to the moonpool* *gets 9 lives*
Fury: *comes in right after I get my 9 lives* WAIT I DIDNT MEAN IT. I WANT LEADER.
Me: Uh...
Fury: oh. I'm too late. Well. Fuck this
Me: buh...
Fury: OK back to the clan then.

*after a few minutes*
Fury: *causing drama*
Me: aye. Aye. Shhh. Be happy plz I love you all.
Fury: no you never answered my messages telling you to wait. I'm upset.
Me: child you didn't answer me, I waited 20 minutes and you never answered.
Fury: fine. Mousestar is a kittypet now. And stuff.
Me: OK bud. Les go!

*back in thornclan*
The clan: yay! Ebonystar! Ebonystar!

Fury: OK I'll just be goldenfang, mousestars son.
Me: OK cool. Let's rp?
Badgerstripe: hey I like being medicine cat, can I make a prophecy?
Me:.... maybe. Wait through.
Badger: OK
Jacob and happyville: we need new rps.
Me: OK how about spottedstrike has kits? Y'all can be her kits.
Happy: OK! I'll be dustkit.
Jacob: I'll be cobaltkit.
Me: hmm... I wanna make an rp named apple, because applemint was my bff in frostclan. I'll make an applekit.
Badgerstripe: oh! I want to make An rp named flamekit!
Me: OK that's... 4 kits? Holy crap, poor spottedstrike.
*Sammy pops in*
Sam: aye, spottedstrike is gonna have babies? That's cool, who's the dad?
Me, panicking: Uh... you are. Your rp, moonfall. He is the dad.
Sam: what?? How was I unaware of this?!
Me: .....
Him: ....
Me: drugs?
Him: OK but I wanna be one of the kits.
Me: but she has 4!
Him: irrelevant.
Him: °^°
Me: OK....
Him: yay I'm Jupiterkit.
Me: /)_- OK. What ever.

Sam: yay OK.
Me: oh... OK?
me: lol badger calm down. Tell me the prophecy.
Badger: ......
Me: OK... or not.
Badger: I'll let you know.
Me: OK. So now babies are gonna be born, poor spottedstrike. She is gonna be so fat...
All 4 of them: muahahaha...

ThornClan SpoofsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora