Clara Stevenson

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Clara POV

    Sea-green eyes, raven black hair, athlete's body, Californian tan, he's got it all. Percy Jackson. I've had a crush on him since seventh grade. We're juniors in high school now. He is so oblivious to the fact that I like  him, and I joined the swim team just for him. (I'm NOT a stalker.) Just to let you know, he doesn't even know my name. Clara. Clara Stevenson. Nice to meet you. Anyway... It is Monday- the first day of the week to have swim practice. Ugh. I hate swimming, but like I said, I'm doing it for Percy. After the horrible 120 minutes of splashing and diving, practice was over.

    Percy was still in the pool swimming extra laps. I grabbed the last of my stuff and headed towards the girls locker room. I closed the door of the locker room, but sneakily looked through the crack on the side of the door. I saw Percy look around to see if anyone was there, and then he... moved the water?! There was a thin layer of water right in front if him, it looked like mist. He took a weird coin from his pocket and threw it through the mist. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, show me Annabeth Chase, Camp Half-Blood, Long Island Sound, New York." He said. And then the weirdest thing happened. A girl, about 17, our age, showed up on the screen and screamed. "OH MY GODS! Percy?" She said. "Hey wise girl!" WISE GIRL? I hoped they were just friends. Percy continued. "I just wanted you to tell Chiron that I won't be at camp Friday. I have a swim meet." "Okay." The girl said. "Hey, do you want to come?" He asked. "Sure, Seaweed brain. See you there." After the girl said that, Percy smiled, and then waved his hand through the mist. The girl was gone! The mist was gone! Percy got out of the pool... and he was dry. WHAT IS GOING ON? Somebody pinch me. OW! OMG ITS REAL!

---Time Skip to the swim meet on Friday---

Percy POV

     I was excited because in five minutes the seven, Nico, Thalia, Will, and Grover would be at my swim meet. I was stretching in the weight room by the pool when a girl on the team came in. "Hey Percy." She said. "I'm Clara." Clara?  "Hey, didn't you cut some of my hair off in first grade?" I asked. That hair has never grown the same way. " Yeah, sorry about that. Anyway, I wanted to asked you something. Will you go-" TWEET! She was interrupted by coach's whistle. " Can you tell me after the meet?" I  asked.
" Yeah." I followed Clara out of the weight room to the pool. When I walked into the pool area, I felt like a celebrity. All of my friends were yelling and screaming for me. Each of them had a letter. It spelled out, GO PERCY!!!! I laughed. Go percy actually spelled out GO PER Y!!!! I saw my wise girl with her nose in a book, a piece of poster board in her hand. Leo took her book and threw it behind her. Ooh... bad move by Leo. Annabeth was going to strangle Leo, when I hugged her from behind. She tensed up, but started to relax when I whispered in her ear.
   "Hi wise girl." She turned around and grinned from ear-to-ear. We kissed, and I said, "Jeez Annabeth, I saw you four days ago." She replied, " Which is four days too much." "Well, we can resume this get together after the meet. We can go to my house after." Everyone nodded, except Thalia. She said, " Sorry Kelp head. Lady Artemis expects me for Curfew. It's Friday right? Early curfew on Fridays." "Okay." I said. "Bye Jackson" Jason said. "Bye."

Clara POV

   They kissed. He was talking to his fan-club, only for a minute, but it felt like hours. When he was done talking, he kissed Annabeth ( I figured out she was the girl from the mist fiasco) and walked towards me. "Ready?" He asked.  I nodded my head.

    Percy did great on all of his races. 1st place in all of them. I did horrible. Last place in all of my races.

   My heart broke when, after his last race, he got out of the pool and forced a hug onto all of his friends. They were wet and angry, but one. "Wise girl". She just laughed and kissed Percy.

Authors note-

  I hope you liked this chapter! This is my first time writing fan fiction so please don't judge. Comment if you liked it! I will try to update frequently.


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