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Here's some nightmares that have been the most vivid I've ever had. I had all of them whenever I was a lot younger.

Nightmare #1:
It started off with a realistic setting of Courage The Cowardly Dog's house outside. It had the windmill and the rocking chair on the porch all in the middle of no where. Well, my nanny was the one that was rocking in the rocking chair knitting. Then a siren started blaring warning a tornado/twister. Then my nightmare would go black but I still heard the wind and storm. Then it would show the same thing again, but each time my nanny would be closer. This repeated until at the very end my nanny was right in front of my face with completely black eyes. I woke up bawling my eyes out.

Nightmare #2:
It started off nice with my mom, brother and I went to Burger King. Then my brother and I went into the play area and there was this machine. On the machine were a bunch of buttons, but three of them had different animals on them. One button had dolphins, another had tigers, and the last one had flamingos. I at the time loved tigers, so I pushed that button. At first nothing happened, but then I heard growls. Then a pack of tigers came out from behind me and I panicked. My brother and I then climbed to the top of the play thing that you had to climb up to get to the cool stuff. Once we were halfway there they got a hold of my brother and killed him. I started bawling and crawling up faster. Then once I reached the top, I was trapped. I then looked out of the window that lead out to the parking lot to see my mom leaving without us in the van. I started beating on the window screaming. Then the window gave in and I fell to my death. Again, I woke up bawling.

Nightmare #3:
My brother and I drove up this huge mountain in China in a jeep and when we got to the top we entered this Mojo. Inside the Mojo ended up being like a fancy restaurant. We then got tea in tea cups and sipped from them with our pinkies pointing up. (Apparently in China that's like the middle finger in America) So they pointed at us speaking in Chinese that we couldn't comprehend and charged at us. We ran out and hopped into the jeep. Then we did one of those action movie scenes as we drove off the huge mountain in slow motion. We unrealistically landed fine and drove next to this river that would lead us back to safety. Then some American Indians began to shoot at us with bow and arrows. They shot my brother first and I woke up. That one didn't really scare me, it was just really weird that made my brother and I laugh at.

There are probably plenty more nightmares, but I can't think of them at the moment.

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