Rapunzel {One}

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Alternative Ending:

James woke to the sound of his wife’s scream. He bolted out of bed and ran into the bathroom where his wife Eleanor was staring at the sink. No, wait, not the sink; something in her small hands. He gingerly walked over to her. In her hand was a small tube looking device; a pregnancy test.

“What’s the verdict?” James asked quietly. They had been trying for a baby for so long now. Nothing seemed to be doing it. Countless times he had found Eleanor looking sadly at the small thing she now held in her hand.

“It’s positive. We’re having a baby,” she breathed. Instantly a smile adorned his face. They were finally going to have a baby.

“That’s amazing,” he whispered back, leaning down and giving Eleanor a kiss.

“We’re having a baby,” she repeated. Eleanor was now on her feet, hugging James. “There’s a child growing in me. Our child.”

James hugged her back enthusiastically. There was nothing more he wanted than to have a child. A million thoughts flooded his head. They were going to have to go to the doctors appointments, find out if it was a girl or boy, have a baby shower; the list was long. The thing was that James was looking forward to every single part of it.

Eleanor gazed out the window, her stomach growling. All day she stared into her neighbor’s garden and watched as the old lady planted her flowers and herbs. When they had first moved into the house, James and Eleanor had been warned by various people that Dame Gothel was some sort of witch. After two years of living beside her, they had not once heard a single spell uttered from the old lady’s mouth, and dismissed the rumours as false.

As Dame Gothel continued to plant, Eleanor couldn’t help but notice the amazing looking rampion plant that had recently been planted. It looked so good even from all the way up here and Eleanor silently wondered what it would taste like to have that plant on her tongue. The rampion seemed to be calling to her; it was like some sort of tug she felt in her chest. Eleanor needed to eat that rampion.

“James!” Eleanor called again. At seven months pregnant, she was now confined to her bed most of the day and found that even eating took so much energy, but was content on getting some of that rampion plant.

Her husband pound up the stairs and into her bedroom, his cheeks flushed from running. “What’s wrong honey?” he asked.

“You see that rampion plant out there?” she asked, pointing to the beautiful herb outside the window. “I want some of it. I need you to get it, the baby’s craving it.”

James looked doubtfully out the window then back his wife. “That rampion is in Dame’s Gothel’s garden, not ours. I can’t just strut out there and get some for you,” he protested. Eleanor’s anger flamed.

“I DON’T CARE! I need some of that rampion by tomorrow! It’s for the baby,” she pleaded. James’s eyes widened. As much as he didn’t like the idea of going to get the rampion from the garden, he really wanted this baby. Nodding reluctantly, he said,

“I’ll have it by tomorrow okay? You stay safe and call if you need anything.” With that he disappeared down the stairs.

In the middle of the night, once James was sure that everyone had gone to bed, he climbed over the wall that separated his yard from Dame Gothel’s. With one last glance up to his wife’s room, he slid down the tall stone wall and into the garden.

James looked back up at the wall and realized how tall the gray stone wall really was. He was at least 6’0 and the wall was a good two feet taller than him. He must really love his wife to be persuaded to jump over that. It’s not only for Eleanor, he remembered, it was for the baby- a baby girl, according the doctor.

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