Rapunzel {Four}

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Twisted Fairy Tale:

I knew no matter how hard I tried, I was not going to get out. Dame Gothel had completely and utterly locked me in. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t get out. If I tried to climb out the window using my hair, I could never release it from the hold once I reached the bottom. If I tried to jump out, I would surely fall. There weren’t even any doors so I couldn’t walk out if I tried.

Singing was the only thing I could do to pass time. All the books Dame Gothel gave me I had already read and there wasn’t any more paper to write or draw on. Nothing in the room could be used as a weapon, not that I would try anything anyways. Even though I hated the woman, I don’t think I would have the guts to kill her.

It started as a normal day really. I was singing to the birds as the sun came up just like every other day I had been here – all 798 of them. The window in my room was just the right height so I could look out into the world I doubted I could ever walk again. Usually all I saw ere birds and the rare deer or fox. Today was different.

At first, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It wasn’t only a normal person I was seeing, but some sort of dwarf. He was less than four feet tall and tiny glasses were perched on his nose. When he walked out into the clearing I was going to call to him when I saw another dwarf, followed by another, until there were a total of 7 dwarves. The last person to come out of the woods, however, was anything but a dwarf.

She was the size of a normal person, for one. But that was not the thing that made me want to look at her, it was her beauty. She had raven black hair and pale skin, making her brown eyes pop. Her dress had a yellow skirt and a blue and red top. The girl had a youthful innocence to her that seemed to be tainted slightly. When she looked up the tower, she looked right into my eyes before smiling.

“Hello!” she called. “I’m Snow White. Let us get you down from there so we can talk.”

I couldn’t believe it. Someone was actually trying to help me. This Snow White girl seemed nice, but I didn’t know her. But I knew that I wasn’t going to let an opportunity like this slip up; I needed to get out of this tower.

“I’m Rapunzel!” I called back down to her. Snow White was circling the tower, probably looking for a door. “The only entrance or exit to the tower is the window,” I told one of the dwarves. He nodded in understanding before scurrying off to tell Snow White.

When I looked out to the edge of the forest, instead of seeing a place full of things I would never see, I saw hope. Snow White and her 7 dwarves gave me hope and I will hold on to it until it was not possible. She came here and brought the one thing I wanted more than anything else in the world, and for that I would be forever grateful.

Snow White came back over and stared up at the tower with a thoughtful look on her face. She seemed to be trying to come up with a way to get me out, and for a moment I didn’t know if she was going to be able to think of anything. All of a sudden her face lit up, and I knew she had an idea.

“Doc!” she screamed. The dwarf that I saw first came rushing to her side, eager to see what she had in mind. Snow White bent down to his height and whispered something in his ears. Since I was so high above them, all I could see was Doc’s face brighten at whatever Snow White told him. After she had finished, Doc called the rest of the dwarves in and they huddled together to talk about the new plan.

“I know that this is going to work. Just hold on a little longer Rapunzel!” she called up. I gave her a tight smile before turning my attention back on the dwarves. I watched as one dwarf would get on top of the other until I could reach them by stepping out of my window.

“Hello! My name is Happy. You, my dear, can just come out and – oh watch your step – climb down all of us until Snow White can get to you.” I hesitantly stepped out of the window and on to Happy. His response was a little grunt, but he still had on that smile that was ever present since the first time I saw him.

 Each time I stepped on to a new dwarf, I would apologize and ask for their name. The seven dwarves were Doc, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy and Dopey. Their names corresponded to their personalities which I found really cute. When I finally reached the bottom, I couldn’t help the happy scream that erupted from me. I threw myself into Snow White’s arms as I said,

“Thank you, thank you so much. You don’t understand how much this means to me.” Snow White hugged me back tightly, saying soothing words into my ears. When I had calmed down enough to gain my composure back I pulled away, whipping tears from my eyes.

“You’re welcome darling, anything for a damsel in distress. If you don’t mind, could you tell me how you got up there?”

So I told her everything, from my early years with Dame Gothel to the past few in the tower. All along she listened to every word I said with complete interest and only made comments in the appropriate places. When I had finished I waited for her reaction.

“You went through a lot, Rapunzel. It seems like you have become a very strong girl these last years. You must be hungry now. Here, come to our cabin. We can talk more there.”

                We walked to a small, quaint cabin in the woods that was not far from the tower. It had a homely feel to it and was surrounded by flowers. The roof had a small chimney that was billowing with smoke and I couldn’t help but wonder who – if anyone – was in the cabin stoking the fire.

Snow White opened the door for me when we got to it. I thanked her and stepped into the most beautiful cabin I had ever seen. The wood exterior carried on into the inside of the house and everything was either carved or somehow homemade. Eight doors lined the back walls and I presumed they were the bedrooms. The kitchen, living and dining rooms were all one big room that had a central fireplace in the middle.

“Make yourself at home,” she offered with a smile. I smiled back and made my way inside the house. Happy and Dopey were lying around playing cards and they motioned for me to join them.

All throughout the night I played with the dwarves and talked with Snow White. It was foreign, knowing that people cared about you. I liked the feeling of being home, and that was what I was feeling right now. I felt safe and most importantly, I felt loved.

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