Obvious Lesbianism

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Obvious Lesbianism

My mother looked surprised, "You're doing what now?"

"Tutoring this girl who annoyed me for three days and I gave in because I'm getting community service for it? Yeah."

My dad looked equally surprised, "And she's coming here in the next five minutes?"

"Yeah, if she's not late."

"Is she like a friend of yours?" My mom asked excitedly, probably very excited at the prospect of me having another friend besides Haley.

The doorbell rang before I could tell her no. "I got it." I said but my parents still pushed passed me and pulled upon the wooden door.

Cassidy stepped into the living room with her heavy duty biker boots and her leather jacket adorning her torso. I didn't realize how bad ass she looked until now. I wonder how my parents took this, but they both looked confused.

"Hey Alaska?" My dad started.

"Are you a lesbian?" My mom finished.

"What?" I asked, completely taken off guard by the question.

"Are you a lesbian? Is this your girlfriend? If it is, you can tell us sweetie." My dad said.

"Yeah, she's actually cute." My mom said.

"She's actually standing right here, and thank you Mrs. Harper." Cassidy said, smirking at me.

"Oh where are my manners?" My mom asked.

"Last time I checked you never had them." I retorted.

She shot me a glare, "I'm Beth and this is Gordon." She said pointing at my dad, "We're her parents."

"I'm Cassidy." She introduced herself, "And before you ask again, yes I'm a lesbian. No I'm not dating your daughter."

"Wait you're gay?!" I asked, "I had absolutely no idea."

"You really didn't know that?" Cassidy asked, her face in a deadpan expression.

"I guess I never paid attention." I mumbled, "We'll be upstairs in my room."

"Bummer, I was kind of excited to have a lesbian daughter." My mom sighed.

I closed my bedroom door and pulled out the desk chair to sit on. Cassidy stood awkwardly in my girly room, "I never imagined I'd be in here before."

"You make it sound like you already knew where I lived."

"I kind of did, well not the exact house becasue you park your car in the garage obviously but the street. I live around the corner."

"Your stalkerism gets deeper and deeper."

"I don't think that's a word, buttercup." Cassidy looked down at me, "Where should I sit at?"

"There's a chair at the vanity and another chair right there." I told her.

She pulled the chair from the vanity and sat at the desk next to me. She pulled out a math worksheet and those science notes we took earlier.

"I have no idea how to do this." Cassidy admitted, looking at the college algebra worksheet and looking back at me bashfully.

"You get it now?" I asked, looking down at the steps of the equation.

"Yes, thank you." Cassidy smiled and placed her hand on my upper arm.

"No problem." I responded, "So can I ask you a personal question?"

"Only if I can ask you one back."

"Fine." I agreed but not without before I rolled my eyes, "How did you know you were a lesbian?"

Her eyebrow quirked up, "Why? Are you questioning your sexual orientation?"

"I'm serious, Cassidy."

"So am I."

"Can you just answer the question?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I guess I always subconsciously knew I was attracted to girls. I always found them more attractive then boys."

"Do your parents know?"

"You said can I ask a question which refers to a singular question. So unless you're giving me permission to ask you more than one question, I'm not answering it."

"Fine." I repeated.

"I only live with my dad who couldn't careless about it. Or me in general."

I decided not to push and ask what she meant by the last part of that statement. I looked at her, I did find her attractive. That was pretty obvious when I spent almost five minutes staring at her for no reason resulting in me being tardy to class.

"My turn," She said, "Why don't you have any friends besides Haley and Antonio?"

"You forgot you." I blurted out without really thinking.

"So you consider me your friend now?" She smiled at me.

"Um, I-well-shut up. I guess I don't have any friends because nobody ever tried to talk to me before. Well a few boys have tried asking me out on dates but I wasn't interested. Nobody ever just tried to be my friend before and the people who have talked to me were complete asshats."

"That actually kind of leads me into my next question, how come I never hear about you going out on dates or dating?"

"I actually went on a date this weekend. It was awful."

She laughed, "Why was that?"

"Because he kept referring to my skin color for one, I never knew me being brown would be so interesting to him. Plus he kept trying to kiss me and touch me and I just met him. And let's not mention the fact that he constantly brought up the fact he slept with other girls for sport."

She laughed again, "He sounds like an asshat, as you put it. I would never treat you like that. You're much to beautiful for that."

She stopped laughing when she realized what she had said. I could tell her cheeks were heating up in a blazing red and I'm sure mine would have matched hers if you could see the blush through my brown skin.

"Uh, so can we go over these science notes? I'm not so sure I understand the prospect of them and I know he's going to try to surprise us with a quiz soon." Cassidy said, pulling out her notes and avoiding eye contact with me.

"Of course." I cleared my throat and explained the simple process of cell reproduction before deepening the explanation by referencing the notes.

Cassidy was extremely close to me and my body could tell. Her breath fanned the back of my ear every time she opened her mouth to ask a question or make a noise telling me that she understood. My heart was beating overtime but I tried to ignore it.

I turned my head and found my face inches from hers. She licked her lips and I found her eyes staring intensely at my lips. I cleared my throat and looked down at the notes in front of me.

Why did I want to grab her face and kiss her soft pink lips? Maybe I had an indication with her because she was the first person that hadn't been my friend since I was little, to talk to me. Even if it was only to annoy me into tutoring her. Besides, there was no way I was gay and didn't know it..was there?

Well even if there was a chance I was gay, there was no way in hell Cassidy would ever have a crush on me.

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