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Once I calmed sally down and she went back to her room I didn't realize what time it was even though it was the weekend but I still had things to do. I quickly rushed around getting my washing organized to wash and got dressed in a nice calm blue top and black jeans. By the time I had done all of this it was 12:00 pm so u thought I should eat something. I look out my door to see if it was all clear to come out even though I am pretty sure I heard the front door slam about 1 hour ago followed by yelling out side, God knows why. When I saw no body was out there I made my way to the kitchen. I made my way to the pantry and I found some pasta so u boiled some water and made some packet pasta.

By the time I finished eating and made sure sally ate something too it was 1:00 I thought to myself woe time is going fast today. Well I suppose that is a good thing but I grabbed my washing and put whatever was in the bathroom in the washing machine and put it on regular wash and went into my room and found my book started reading.
Sorry guys I am really bad at writing
I feel like nobody wants this book
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