Chapter 16

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The first night with the Caravan was a calm one. The well-worn traveling routines slid back into place, and Ryla picked up the chores she had been accustomed to before. She helped Yulia find her way around camp, and then guided her to a seat next to the fire before coming back with a plate of food. She did all of the things she had watched Killian do to help his sister around the refuge. She hoped she hadn't forgotten anything.

"Ryla, you don't have to do this," said Yulia, shifting uncomfortably.

"It's all right, really. You're not a burden. Soon you'll know your way around enough, you won't need my help."

Yulia smiled, "Thanks."

Ryla sat next to her, eating her potatoes and carrots. This would be one of the last good meals they would have all summer. They couldn't bring food from the refuge past the forest, because if anyone noticed it, the news could cause a riot. No one had seen food of this quality in over a decade. It saddened her to know people out here were starving while she'd never went without a full belly all winter. The refuge animals probably ate better than the folk of Religo.

Rhid plopped down beside Ryla, his usual chipper self. "Excited to see more of Religo, ladies?" he asked and then stuttered, crestfallen. "I... I mean, uh, see as in experience. Of course you can't see see it, I just meant, um—"

"Rhid, it's ok," Yulia laughed. "Don't you think I'm used to it by now? I'm not a piece of fine china you have to handle with care," she said, turning her head in his direction. Ryla laughed too and she saw color creep into Rhid's cheeks. She didn't know it was even possible for Rhid to blush.

"And yes, I'm ready to experience something more than the refuge. I want a chance to make a difference out here. There's so much to be done," said Yulia. Ryla murmured her agreement, glad to have someone who felt as she did.

"Don't forget to have some fun when you're not doing your charity work," Rhid said, back to his cocky self. "A life of all work is not a life worth living!"

Firdas came over to where they sat.

"Yulia, you'll be sleeping in Thistle's wagon along with Ryla at night. We thought it would be the most appropriate arrangement. Maybe tomorrow I can give you a few things to work on during the long ride."

"That's sounds nice, Firdas, thank you for everything."

"It's nothing, Yulia. Good night."

Something dawned on Ryla. "Yulia, how will you help Firdas with sewing?"

"Oh, I never got a chance to show you my projects! We were so busy all winter I had to put them aside. When I was a younger, one of the first tasks given to me was sewing patches. Some of the adults thought it would be too hard for me, but Marta would hear none of it. She taught me to feel the stitches with my fingers. I got better as I got older and with more practice. Now she says she can't tell the difference between her stitches and mine." She said this with obvious pride.

Ryla and Yulia finished their dinner and decided they would turn in for the night. Thistle was already getting things ready in her wagon, pulling extra blankets and things out of the cupboard. They laid out a pallet on the floor of the wagon big enough for both Ryla and Yulia to fit. As Thistle blew out the light and they all settled down in their beds, Ryla thought about her tree with her own bed and she knew she would miss it. There was something though, about being together with the crew again, listening to the gentle breathing and occasional snores from Thistle, that had its own specialness about it.

Traveling through the mountain passes was slow going. It would be another few days before they made it out of the mountain range. The small crooked paths kept the crew confined to their wagon seats and it wasn't long before Ryla's backside was sore and she wanted to stretch her legs. The further they got, the more spring began to show up in the fragile green buds on the ends of branches and in the animals that crept cautiously from winter dens. Each day more and more birds joined the chorus from the treetops.

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