Entry #2

124 5 0

February 5, 1489,

Sorry, it has been a while since I have written in this journal, but I have a good reason. When I was in the northern regains of my land I discovered two boys. They looked like a pair of twins. When I asked them for their names and why they were out in the wilderness without any adults. They told me that they were America and Canada and they woke up here just a little ago. At first, I took them around the tribes in that area. When no one knew the two I decided to claim them for my own. And I could not be any-

((The page seems to be scribbled))

Sorry for that my two boys thought it would be a good idea give me a sneak attack me with a hug. I need to give them human names so they can meet other people without being judged. I must leave now. My boys want to go hunting.

~Ayiana Dyami

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