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::Sams POV::

I snap my head towards the voice.

Debby. Of course. I smile at her and get up and hug Josh. Josh was surprised but hugged back and snuggled his head into my shoulder. That pissed Debby off. Bitch.(don't hate me please it's a story.) Josh lets go as soon as Debby goes to speak. I turn around and smirk at her. "Shes not just a fan Josh! Your cheating on me aren't you?" She yells.

"Debby! I'm not cheating on you! It was just a hug! It meant nothing!" Ouch. That hurt. A lot. Debby grabs someone's margarita and pours it on me, in response I scream. "SAM BABY IM COMING" Someone shouts. Tyler and Bre are right next to Josh in a instant. "what the fuck" I whisper. I realize what's happen, I'm sober at this point. "What. The. Fuck." I say even louder.

"Not gonna do anything Sam? Aw are you scared?" Debby teases me. I look at Bre and she just looks pissed off. I punched her in the jaw. Hard. She trips backwards. I'm sure people around us notice. I start dazing out.


I wake up in the morning with my arms around Tyler. I instantly shoot up and scream. Tyler shoots up and panics "what's happening? Is the world coming to an end?"

"Why are you in my bed!" I say loudly. "You wouldn't let me go, and you said to just stay and I'm not that strong Sam, I'm Tyler, not Josh the savior." Memories flash back to me. The whole fight that happen. What Josh said. I sigh and get up and get dressed in the bathroom. I pull my hair up in a messy bun, and apply low amount of makeup. Once I'm done I go to my car and Tyler is already out side. "What are you doing?" I instantly asked.

"Going to work with you. Duh." Tyler says. I just sigh and unlock the car and get in. I look in the mirror and see Josh and Bre. I don't talk to Josh or any of them. I simply drive to work and get out leaving them and go in store. I go behind the counter and sit in my seat and just wait for costumers

Josh walks in with Tyler and Bre behind him. They take a seat on bench. Josh speaks up "How are you today Sam?" I simply shrug and keep looking at my feet.

Josh gets up and walks over to me "what up WIH you today?" I look up and give him a mean stare and look back down


----- I'm sorry  it's short. -----


Promises / Josh DunDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora