Big Mistake Part 4

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You kept running down the street. As fast as you could. You had no destination in mind. Just to keep running. After about 2 minutes, you came across a park down the street. No one was there. You decided to sit on the swings. You sat and cried. You searched for your phone. You left it at home when you were about to get it as Justin came in. 'Dang it!' you thought. You began to think hard. 'Who texted me again?' The name soon came to you. 'Gina.' One of your good friends had texted you asking to hang out. Her house wasn't too far down from where you lived so you decided to take the 10 minute walk to her place. When you reached there, you knocked on her door, tears stains on your face. She opened up and asked what was wrong. That question just brought back all the thoughts and you broke into tears again. Gina hugged you and let you in. You two went up to her room and had ice cream while you told her what happened.

"And I also wanted us to be eachothers first but he ruined it. He let it go to a random person." You guys talked all afternoon and soon, it was already 10pm. You guys had finished watching all Season 1 of Fuller House together.
"Well I better be heading home now I guess," you said turning off Gina's TV. "Justin must be-" and then you froze. You had forgotten all about what happened.
Gina looked at you. "Stay here if you want," she said. You nodded and layed back down on her bed. You looked at the ceiling, just staring. Gina left to get you some pajamas you could use. She came back and handed them to you.
"Pick any guest room," she said. You sat up and weakly smiled. You went to change and as you headed for the bathroom, you heard a knock at the door. You went to check. It was Justin.
"How did you know I would be here?" you said.
"Your phone," he said. His voice sounded small as of he had been crying non stop for hours.
"Oh now you are snooping through my things. You don't trust me? Remember you cheated on me Justin, not the other way around!" you said yelling at him. You stopped shouting realizing how loud you were.
"I'm sorry..." you weakly said.
"No, I'm sorry. Beyond sorry. I ruined everything. I was afraid of losing you to someone else when really, I just... lost you. It's my fault."
He wiped his tears. Gina came down. "What's going on?" she said.
"It's okay Gina," you said. You placed the pajamas she handed you on the table next to the door and stepped outside, slowly closing the door behind you. You just stared into his eyes for some time, but it didn't feel the same. You didn't feel as in love with him.
"What if this has made me lose feelings for you? I don't feel the same looking at you."
Justin stepped closer. He put a hand behind your head through your hair. He came closer so you felt his minty breath. He waited to see how you would react or if you would pull away. He came closer. You stood still, so he made his move and he passionately kissed you. Kissed you like it would be the last ever. Like his life depended on it. He was taking in all of you. He put all his feeling into it. Holding you close and feeling your hair and holding you by the waist. You could feel him smiling through the kisses but he kept going. Then finally, he slowed to a stop and he looked at you and all the feelings came back, but even more this time.
"So do you still think you lost the feelings?" he asked.

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