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🌺🌼Lily's P.o.v🌼🌺

When I saw those hazel nut eyes everything that was happening went silent. Well at least it went silent for me.

"Omg she's not responding." Mkay begans to panic. Really McKenna?

"Stop babying her babe. She's not a baby. And have you noticed she's not talking this is a dream come true."

Pay back time!

"Ok first I was day dreaming over hazel nut eyes. Sorry I didn't reply." I pull an apologetic face at Mkay. " And Willy Wonka she's gonna baby me all she wants because she actually cares about me." I state very annoyed "and everyone can all ready tell I'm a complete baby you dweeb." It's true I'm being fully honest. "And maybe you should shut you trap because you are getting so annoying and it would be a dream come true if you stop talking!" And then I instantly remember him tackling me "YOU TACKLED ME YOU TWIT." I scream.

"I told you not to call me free Wil-"



"Did you just slap me?" He ask trying to keep his cool.

"Sure did" I say with a satisfying grin as he starts to frown.

"Lily run!" McKenna tells me with worry in her eyes.

I start to run because I trust her and when she says run i run for the hills.

Run for the wind bullseye. I think in my head.

Hazel nut eyes.

I come to a complete stop when I see hazel eyes from the corner of my own eyes. I can run to him and he will save me. He will see that I'm gonna be tackled again. He'll help.

"Help!" I scream running up to him. He quickly looks my way.

"I'm busy" he says really rudly. Not a good idea to be rude with me! But then he see's the fear in my eyes. "Ok what?" This time a little softer.

"Willy.... Wonka..... free...William..... t-trying to tack-kle.... Me." Trying my best to tell him but I keep stuttering. Dang I guess I ran fast I need to breathe. He gonna catch up. ha ha ketchup. Shut up Lily's mind.

"What?" He's getting annoyed.

"William is catching up hurry I need help. I called him free Willy and he already tackled me. And then I got mad and smacked him. And who knows what he's gonna do now so please help." I beg very desperately. I explained it and now it sounds like my fault he's not gonna help me.

"William Rodriguez?" He asks

"Yes. Now can you help me or not? because I'm running out of time and options." I ask really fast. He than nods saying he's gonna help me.

"Ok just stand right here." He points to behind him. I obey and go behind him.

"Come on Lily. Where are you?" Uh oh here comes Willy Wonka and his oompa loompas. Than he eyes me and hazel nut. I don't know his name so I'm gonna call him hazel nut.

"Um. Hey Willy Wonka." I say sheepishly. Only to get a frown from William and a laugh from hazel nut. I like his laugh.

"Ok come on Lil I won't hurt you. And if you stay there with Cody you will get hurt. Really bad." And at his words Hazel nut well I guess Cody tenses up.

"Go away Willy Wonka I'm old enough to learn." I retort a little bit harsh. This causes Hazel nut. yes I'm still gonna call him Hazel nut. To feel a little relaxed. Then I glare at William telling him to leave and so he does.

"Ok there I helped you now I'm gonna go back to my life." He says and turns around.

"Wait Hazel nut." Did I just say that out loud?! Yes you did Lily now shut up! He turns around as I expected but with a growl on his face.

"Don't call me that!" He raises his voice. Only my mom and Mkay can do that. Consequences start now.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" I myself raise my voice.

"I don't even know you yet I'm arguing with you." He mumbled to himself but I can still hear. "I have to go just leave me alone. I helped you that's what you wanted right?"

"Hazel nut were gonna be good friends." I smile but he frowns.

"Just Leave me alone!" He yells His hazel nut eyes filled with fury.

"Now why would I do that?" I ask with a full on smirk.

"YOUR INSANE" he snaps at me.

"Your point is?" I say calmly.

Point Lily! 1-0 I'm winning.

He turns around.

"Catch you later hazel nut." I yell after him.

"Don't call me that!" He says over his shoulder. Well someone's mad.

"Yea luv ya to." I yell so he can hear.

"HATE YOU!" He snaps. I love it when people snap it's entertaining.

"Lily! Did you seriously scare him off just now?!" Mkay's voice scares me when she's angry. In my defense I didn't.

"I know it looks like that but in my defen-" I'm cut off by her. I hate when she cuts me off! It ticks me off!

"NO! you don't get a defense!" And here we go again with the ear pulling. "I'll wait for you out here hurry up with that detention." Crap I forgot about that... oops. "Then we are going to my house because I know your mom's at work and I don't like you there alone. And on the plus side my brother misses you."

Oh great... just my lucky day. NOT!.


THANK YOU! Thank you all for reading. Shut up Melissa no one's reading. This chap is a little short. Well ok it is short you caught me.
I think I'm getting better at my book writing. But I am getting confused because I'm writing and making sure everything makes sense. Because Melissa obviously doesn't make sense.

Oh and there's spelling mistakes. In both chap's so far. Please pay no attention to it because I think I'm to lazy to fix it sorry. Don't hate me for mistakes. I'm only human. Oh and I hope this book makes sense.

Everyone thinks Lily is not human at all. You will get to know her through out the chap's to understand what I mean. You to will think she isn't human.





Thank you!

- Melissa 🌟

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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