Tsukki ~ Cleaning

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Tsukki had cleaning duties with you after practice, to you he was that calm, competitive tsundere type or something. He'd talk to you on weekends if he had time. You two would sometimes tease eachother.
~during cleaning~

"Oi...(y/n)," Tsukki said behind you .

You turned around and flinched when he threw a damp mop at you. To your surprise you were able to catch it in time. You smiled at him sweetly and turned it into a smirk . You darted towards him with the mop handle as if preparing to sword fight.

He reacted quickly and stopped you with a broom. You both laughed and goofed around with the supplies.

"Tch...you're so childish..(y/n)." He said , finally cleaning.

"You are too!" You said , sticking your tongue out playfully.

While cleaning , you both were silent for a while until you came to a stop.

"(Y/n)" tsukki says, breaking the silence.

"Yes, tsukki ?" You said turning around.
"W-what do you...think of me..." He said, looking away blushing. Your eyes widened and you blushed.
"W-what?.." You said , flustered.

"Come on (y/n). You know exactly what I mean by that. Do you like me? Have any feelings at all ? Please tell me...I-it's not like I c-care if you do or don't anyway..." He said , with his usual tsundere attitude.

"Tsukki..." You said, blushing and began," I like you...a lot....I love how your glasses make you look cute and serious...and your blonde hair..a-and i love how you're so passionate about volleyball...I looked at you like my best friend that I idolized..but I realize..I might have feelings for you.."
You bit your lip and waited for a reaction...

He looked at you for a long pause and did one of those half gasps. He pulled you in for a hug and held you tightly.

"I...ahem...like you....t-too.." He said sheepishly.
Your cute (e/c) eyes lit up brightly and sparkled. He just couldn't resist how adorable you looked when you did that. You hugged him tightly , but your face only met up to his lower chest, since he was so tall and all that. He smelled slightly like cologne and sweat. But sweat didn't really bother you that much since you're around them all the time , and you used to play volleyball yourself.
Tsukki bent down to make his face meet up with yours. You felt him breathing against your face and it made your cheeks red.
"(Y/n)..." His deep voice whispered.
Before he reached the end of saying your name, his soft, warm lips pressed on yours. He closed his eyes, passionately capturing the moment. His glasses made a slight rattling sound when it pressed against the bridge of your nose. At first you hesitated..but let him kiss you. You closed your eyes as well, letting his smooth lips move , making multiple kissing sounds emit from both your mouths. His arms began to wrap around your waist and pick you up, and held you by your thighs , and pushed your back against the wall for support.
You found him breathing heavily while going at it. He pulled away, as if taking a break after that massive turn-on. His breath tickling the skin on your  smooth skin, both your chests' hearts beating against eachother .
"T-Tsukki..." You began, until he hushed you with his finger.

"Shhh," he said.
"I don't want to do it here..otherwise we'd get in trouble , even if no ones here. Plus...w-we just confessed our feelings like 5 minutes ago...I think we should wait..." He said, putting you down.
You nodded your head.
"I understand, and I don't have a problem with it ^-^" you said happily.

Afterwards , you both finished cleaning and hung out at his place.

Hi reader, I was actually doing a writing collab with my friend OtakuBarista , aka Christina. She's not getting her phone back until Monday , and I'll be gone August 4th-8th, because I'm going to a wedding in Washington , and I live in California. So just so you know , Christina helped me write this , and she'll be publishing the exact same thing. Or..at least something similar idk. Please follow her, she's a cool person ..and a weeb like me lmao. Peace out rainbow trouts 🌈✌✌✌✌🌈

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