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"You really are a piece of shit, you scum," you spat at Oikawa.

"Now that's not the kind of profanity a young lady should be using now , is it?" Oikawa cooed.

"I'm serious Oikawa. You're just manipulating girls into being your little subjects. You're the cockiest idiot I've ever encountered ," you sighed.

Oikawa was not a ladies' man. Well, in your opinion. It was like he bought girls into doing his bidding. You've been friends with him for more than 7 months, and you're skeptical as to why you still call this fucker a friend.

He flipped his hair ,"You can get anything you want with looks as good as these~" he chuckled.

Flicking his forehead , you shake your head in disapproval.
He flinched and rubbed the spot you flicked.

"You'll never get a girlfriend doing this, Oikawa. This is why most of Karasuno despises you,"

His mind seemed to click once you mentioned Karasuno.

"Tch, those lowlives? They can kiss my victorious beautiful ass" he laughed.

You were about to walk off to the four way stop , until Oikawa tapped your shoulder .

"I'm not busy today, I wanted to know if you wanted to swing by to hang out with me?"

"You can't be serious..ugh...whatever..I'll text you.." you walked off, wondering how he brushed off the topic so easily.

As the hours passed , Oikawa texted you to meet him by the school. You rolled your eyes and said ok. You dressed yourself up sloppily , it's not like you were trying to impress anybody. You walked to the school that night, seeing a tall figure. That was unmistakably Oikawa.

"So..what'd you want?" You stopped in front of the brunette male.

"I wanted to ask you something.." he looked a little uneasy.

"Go on. I'm all ears."

"I may seem like a douchebag, and I am. I know I'm an asshole that plays girls, but I swear I have feelings.."

You raised a brow at this ,"what're you trying to say, Oikawa ?"

"I have feelings for a girl. I swear I do. And I know this because she's been stuck in my head for the past 7 months. And I can't get enough of her..it's like she makes me feel like I've won even when I've lost.."


"I'm in love with her..madly..my only problem is that she doesn't seem to love me back.." he turned to you.


"(Y/n). I like you."



"Not even like. I love. I love you."
You clenched your fists.
"That's not fair..." you began to tear up.


"You can't just say things like this so suddenly.." you looked up at him, hitting his chest lightly.

"Oikawa..you jerk.."

He sighed , tilting your chin up .

"Shut up..."

He kissed you then and there, under the stars of the night. The atmosphere seemed to have not existed once his lips touched yours, and all you could feel was him. He pulled away , hugging you.

"I know this is selfish to say..." he began ,"but I want you to myself..."

(I don't pay attention to wattpad anymore sorry lmao. I promise I'll make a part two. Meanwhile I want ideas to help my juices flow ;-;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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