Chapter 2

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I woke up to a blinding white light, my first thought is I'm dead, and they're going to send me to the fiery underworld. Then my vision cleared and I saw Star sleeping in a chair beside my bed. Oh the hospital, just as bad. Bad food, can't sleep, sounds accurate to me. There are two beds in the room, the one I'm in and an empty one beside the chair my sister was sleeping in. Usually there is a crazed psychopath there. That's when I realized, where was my mom, she should have been in that bed. I reach over to wake Star up as my tangled IVs made my arm stiffer the more I moved it.

"Star, wake up."

"Georgia, you're awake!" she said happily as she jumped up and put her arms around me.

"How long have I been out?"

"About two days."

"I'll go get you something to eat." And she walked out of the room and down to the hospital cafeteria.

Almost immediately a tall man had walked into the room. He must have seen the who are you look in my eyes because he started to laugh and said'

"Don't worry I'm Melvin, your doctor." he then extended his boney hand for me to shake.

"I must say Ms. Copper you gave us quiet a scare, you and your mother." He said as he was writing something down on the clipboard he took from the foot of my bed.

"Where is my mother?"

"Oh, she's in surgery, she should be out soon." and he put the clipboard back and walked out of the room.

Within the next hour our grandmother came to take Star home, while I had the worst lunch I have had in my life. And just when I was about to take a nap, a cop walked into my room.

"Hey, my mom already paid the $500 alright."

"That's no why I'm here." He said as he calmly approached my bed.

"I'm officer Charlie and I'm in charge of your investigation."

"What investigation?"

"Oh, that's right you just woke up. After you and your mom crashed a man came around the corner and shot your mom."

"What!? Well why didn't he shoot me?''

"The police got there before he had the chance, then he ran off. We're searching for him now."

"Ok, well what if he comes here?" I asked worriedly.

"Don't worry Georgia, we wont let anything happen to you." He said as both our eyes met. And at that moment it felt like time stopped completely.

"Alright now to the reason why I'm here, I need to ask you some questions. Ok, first off can you explain what happened to you, and don't leave out any details."

"Well my mom had just picked me up from the county jail and I texted my boyfriend." I stopped to give him a chance to write on his little pad of paper.

"What is your boyfriend's name?"

"Chase Pinn."

"Go on." He said as he finished writing.

"Then we started to drive back home and everything was normal, except we were arguing. But this was unlike our normal arguments, she finally told me about my father and why he had really left and never came back for me and my sister. And I might have said some things I didn't mean."

"After this is when the crash occurred?"


"Okay second question, did you see anyone at the scene that looked suspicious before you blacked out?"

Alright, now I had to think. Was there anyone who seemed happy or not surprised that a car had crashed right in front of them?

"Yes I did see someone."

"Can you give me a description?"

"Nothing that might help, but it was a white man, kinda tall, with chocolate brown hair, and I didn't get a good look at his face."

"Ok, well it's better than nothing. Lastly, do you have any idea who would have a motive to hurt you or your mom?

"No, well besides my dad, but we haven't seen or heard from him in nine years. Trust me I wish I knew who did this to us."

"That's all for now, thank you for being so cooperative Georgia, I know it must be hard but we have to catch this guy because he might come back to finish what he started. Hey can I ask how old you are?"

"18, why?"

"Maybe you should call me sometime." And he tore the napkin by my bed in half and wrote his number on it and sat it on the table. He then gave me the other half and the pen he was holding in his hand, gesturing me to write mine on the other half. Then he started to walk towards the door, but before he could walk out he turned and waved back at me. Then my phone buzzed alerting me I had a text message. It read, "Hey", with no name at the top but I knew exactly who it was.

Shattered Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora