Chapter 4

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"No, stop!" I screamed as I sat up in my bed.

"Georgia, what's wrong?" Said Star as she sat up in the bed next to mine, rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing Star go back to sleep, it was just a bad dream. I'll see you in the morning."

I turned on my other side to face the single window in my room. Then I heard a rustling coming from Star's bed, and the tapping of her small bare feet on the marble floor.

"Georgia, can I sleep with you? I had a bad dream too."

"Yeah, come hear." And she crawled into my bed, and under the covers. Her body was warm against my cold back, and it was nice to still have someone after all that has happened. But by now I have gotten used to her crawling into my bed every night, because she had bad dreams every night. Even though she has a dream catcher in her room, it never seems to work. Sometimes I hear her scream or talk in her sleep, so I go to her room and bring her to mine. Right before I was about to shut my eyes I heard the door creak open.

"Charlie is that you?" I asked the dark figure.

I then recognized him. A tall white man, with chocolate brown hair.


"Sup G."

"Wait, you're the one who killed my mom?"

"So you finally figured it out then didn't you."

He then stepped into the blue moonlit part of the room, and that is when I saw the black gun he was holding at his hip.

"But why would you of all people try and kill me and my mom?"

"Oh, its not my grudge."

"Than who's is it?"

"Scott Woodburn, your father."

I thought I was going to puke. The person I have wanted to see for nine years, was trying to kill me. Silently I reached for my phone under my covers and speed dialed Charlie, he would be in my room shortly I knew of that, but now I just had to distract him.

"Why, Chase."

"He explained it to me nice and slow. When your mother lost her job he thought that he could take care of you and your mom on his own. But when Star came along he couldn't provide for you guys anymore. Your mother didn't try and look for a job for two years. Then he left, he wanted to take you and Star with him, but she wouldn't let him. He kept trying to come back for you, he tried and tried and eventually he realized he had to kill her.

"Then why would he want to kill us?" As I squeezed Star tighter in my arms.

"Because he knew that after this you would never go with him, so if he couldn't have you than no one could!"

Then he extended his arm with the gun and pointed it towards Star and me.

"Wait, no don't -"

I shut my eyes and covered my face, I heard the gun go off and a scream, but I never felt the bullet and never let out a scream. I felt the warm sticky blood flow onto me. Hesitant to open my eyes, scared of what I might see when I opened them. To my dismay I see dark blood flowing from Star's chest.

"Star, NO!" I screamed.

"Your next G." He said pointing the gun at my head. I hear another gunshot, and see Chase's gun fall from his hand as he grabs his wrist in pain. Then 15 officers rush in and throw him to the ground. Charlie with his gun still raised and smoking, walks in and tells his back up to take Chase back to the station and puts his gun back in the holster and rushes over to help me.

"Charlie, please help her!" I said frantically as I cradled Star towards him.

He put his index and middle finger up to her neck trying to find her pulse, pulling his fingers back he looks at me and shakes his head.

"What no, she can't be. Star, Star wake up please! You're the only thing I have left!" I hugged her thinking, hopping she would wake up and hug me back until they took her out of my arms.

After their funerals, nothing was really the same. I live with Charlie now and we are getting married in June next year, and a baby in the next 8 months. I've also stopped robbing stores, now I want to focus on being the better person my mom always wanted me to be. It is sad really, that it took me until now to figure that out.

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