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So I know you haven't heard from me in a while, and I am really sorry about that. I have been having major writers block in everything and I didn't want to give you all a crap book because I want so much more from this story and these characters.

Now I know these are a lot of old news excuses that have been over used, but I am a serious author (at least I like to call myself a serious author) and I wouldn't stop writing unless I thought my work was crap.

But I have good news, because of an awesome fan that commented on the last part of the old story and it sparked a fire in my inspiration that I honestly didn't think I had anymore. So I would just like to thank you pocky-star-lover for helping my creative thoughts flow again, never underestimate a comment!! You never know when the author is having a bad day.

Anyway to close this off, I would like to let you know that I have been writing a chapter every two days, and it's coming along swingy. If everything goes as planned than, I estimate the new book will be completed and ready to edit in about 1-2 months. And I will start posing soon after. Thank you for following the Locklear family and being patient with me. I hope you will enjoy the story I am creating as much as I do.

Have a great day!!

~ The Author

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