So what have I changed?

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A question that I ask myself as I am writing the relaunch of this book and also thinking that I am wasting my time. Well reading what I have (and am half done) and what I completed, there are a number of things I have added and taken away from the story and if your curious well that's why I am posting this because hey if you're not posting the book post about it right? (Yes awful idea but I want to give you something!!

Okay first off I have changed the opening. You no longer get those two awkward chapters of Serena and Katherine growing up, instead you get a chapter of how their village came to an end and then it's right into the main bulk of the story with the dragon slayers being brought in to save the city.

The relationship between the dragon slayers has changed. Serena and Katherine both know who all of the born dragon slayers are and there is a reason that everyone forgets who Serena and Katherine are ( I really like the reason and I hope you guys will too.) And the way that Katherine and Serena get separated changes as well. Cobra's role in the separation is greater and you can see what he does clearly.

Dark Heart is her own person. She is no longer Serena's created alter-ego but another person completely (that happens to reside in Serena's body....besides the point.) She has her own motives and she is not the person pulling the strings when Cobra and her try to destroy everyone. She also call's Cobra by his given name which is Erik (Who knew he had more then one name??)

Last thing that I am going to explain ( as a teaser for what I hope is the release in about a month FINGERS CROSSED) is that Katherine isn't as willing to join Fairy Tail as she was in the last book and it takes her a couple days to finally know when Sting and Rouge get their butts kicked (yep still keeping that part of the story.)

Thank you so much for following as I create Katherine and Serena Locklear for you all to enjoy and I am terribly sorry that I am such an awful writer that it takes me almost a freaking YEAR to create this book. Please forgive me and read when I post. Thank you loves and this will be the last non-chapter I post (and once I post the actual story I will be deleting all these non-chapters)

~The Author

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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