|Can't Wait| Kouhai!Kukai x Senpai!Reader (Shugo Chara!)

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I'm not sure how old Kukai's brothers are, but I guess I'll have to make them up for the sake of this story.

Low-key feel like a sick-minded person because Kukai is in his final year of middle school and reader-chan is in her last year of high school and I basically imply that you want to screw him (but I mean for the sake of my story you aren't 18 because that's too much)...

I'm going to burn in the fiery depths of hell.

The ending was kinda rushed because I realized I haven't posted anything in awhile, but it's Gucci because hey it's an update. But then it kind of isn't because this is honestly so bad but I just wanted to upload something

TBH haven't watched this show since I was like 12 but I was like "okay Ikuto is damn fine but so is Kukai and can't I have both of them?" Lol, this was before I was introduced Kuroo Tetsurou because I mean damn how can you think about anyone else when you've seen him shirtless???

Why do I always get off topic this is about Kukai -_-"

Kukai Souma couldn't wait for high school.

It was no secret that Kukai had a preference for older women.

...Okay, maybe it was — but could you really blame him?

Kukai Souma was nearing the end of his middle school reign, and for that, he couldn't be anymore enlivened. Why? Well, for the high school girls, of course!

They were mature, lively, and were all desperate to be in relationships (excluding those already in them, as expected...sometimes). Not to mention, as a growing boy, he desired a little more than holding hands and innocent kisses on the cheek. High school girls offered more than that — something he was elated for.

Sure, girls like Amu and Yaya were cute and all, but he was really in pursuit of girls like Utau and that smokin' waitress at the café. It was only natural, however, to fawn after those who resembled the ideal woman.

There was approximately three weeks left in his middle school years, and he was more than ready for what high school had to bring.


The bell rang and it was lunch, finally, for Kukai. The former Jack, although an exemplary role model for the typical quintessential student, was vexed with school. The teachers continuously droned on and on about the perilous journey that will become of them called high school, and piling on as much work as they could before school ended. It was simply aggravating and Kukai was just about done with it.

But alas, lunch was upon him, and he was overjoyed to quench the aching hunger that resulted from skipping breakfast that morning. It was when Kukai stretched his arms high above his unruly mane of auburn hair that a familiar chara awoke from its peaceful slumber.

Daichi yawned and parroted the exact stretch his guardian performed, floating around aimlessly with bleary eyes. Kukai grinned at his adorable partner while standing up, incognizant of the dreamy gazes of his ogling female classmates. Despite being oblivious, he would not care so much either way due to the fact that he had higher goals to attain — high school girls.

With that thought parading in his mind, he gaily traipsed out of the classroom and into the school garden (which was gorgeously displayed in front of the campus). He sat down underneath his signature plum blossom tree, alone.

He sighed dejectedly, but smiled in response to his chara's comforting pats on his shoulder. It had been extremely disheartening to discover that Tadasa, Amu, and the others had gone to separate middle schools, but what else could Kukai do? Sure, they all met up now and then. Sure, Kukai had met plenty of new friends here (becoming one of the most popular kids as a result) and had even becoming the soccer team's team captain. And sure, he still had Daichi.

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