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Winter, the paragon of art,
That kills all forms of life and feeling
Save what is pure and will survive
- Roy Campbell, Autumn

Niklaus' P.O.V

"It's her. Testor Deum. She's the Rectrix. I felt it," He said, frustration evident in his voice.

"It cannot be," Zakai murmured as he twirled his grey beard. Looks were exchanged between Sytars and hushed whispers filled the room. Logan was making a mockery of himself. Sadly, he was oblivious to it. People were starting to worry about his state of mind and it was only a matter of time before he would be proclaimed insane- the first ducem to be rejected by his subjects. The tension in the room was overwhelming.

Logan and I have known each other since our metis and one thing I attest for sure: He is a compulsive liar. I must admit that he has never gone this far with his lies. He had a knack for making up stories, but we all thought that there would be a limit to his imagination. Saying that he saw the rectrix was just preposterous.

"Logan, you drank a lot last night. Maybe your mind is playing tricks on you," I said, facing Logan, and then to the rest, "Please excuse him. We all know how he gets when he's drunk."

"Is this true? Were you intoxicated last night?" Zakai asked, his narrowed eyes fixed on Logan. All eyes were on the young ducem.

"Does any of this matter? I'm trying to tell you something extremely important, something that could actually save us... and all you are bothered about is whether or not I was drunk? Please believe me. I know what I saw, I-I know what I felt," Logan begged, desperation slowly creeping into his voice.

"Answer the question, Ducem," Zakai said sternly, irritation evident in his voice.

Logan scowled and eventually hung his head in defeat, "Yes, I was slightly drunk."

"This is exactly why our people do not trust you to lead them. You are irresponsible, you are reckless and you are a disgrace to your family lineage," Zakai said angrily, raising his voice. The other Sytars nodded their heads in agreement.

"Sytars, our ducem has failed us and as a result he will be taking two weeks leave of absence effective immediately. This is so that he can clear his mind. When he returns, he will be in the proper state of mind to lead us," Zakai said to the others.

"I don't need any time off. I'm not crazy," Logan said, unable to control his anger. He growled and clenched his fists, walking menacingly towards Zakai. The old man was already shaking in fear. Logan walked forward, until he had pushed Zakai against the wall.

He was now close to the old man, his fists clenched and against the wall, trapping the man between his arms.

The other Sytars stood up, not sure who to defend; their reckless ducem, or the wise old man.

"Logan," I said in an attempt to calm him down, resting my right hand upon his shoulders. He was burning up, and if he wasn't careful, he would set this place on fire. "Do as he says. Leave. Don't make this worse."

He growled once more, and punched the wall behind Zakai so hard that it cracked in a circular pattern and soon, bits and pieces of the wall fell to the ground. "Fine," Logan said. He threw on his hoodie and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Zakai cleared his throat and turned around to face the wall. "This meeting is over. You are all dismissed."

The whispers began again as the Sytars left the room, one by one, returning to their respective hideouts.

When the room was completely empty, save for Zakai and I, Zakai sighed.

He knelt down in front of the cracked wall and picked up the pieces on the floor. "Lord help us all," He said, shaking his head. He held up one piece in particular and kept staring at it.

"Zakai? What is it?" I asked.

"His strength, it's spectacular. I worry about him, Niklaus."

"I do too. What happens if he isn't capable of leading us? Will a new ducem be chosen?" I asked, unable to hide the tiny pinch of hope in my voice.

"Maybe, maybe not," Zakai said and stood up.

The old man was withholding information, and I knew it. "Do you really think he saw the rectrix?" I asked.

"I wouldn't have sent him home if I thought he did."

"But what does it mean for us if he really did see the rectrix?" I ask Zakai.

"It will be the end. Go home, Niklaus. Stop looking for trouble everywhere. Go home," Zakai said sternly, dismissing me. It was a simple question, and the fact that he was unable to answer me disturbed me. Zakai was wise. He was one who liked to show his abilities. He would never pass up on an opportunity to portray his wisdom.

"Tell me, Zakai. I have a right to know," I said, raising my voice.

"You will know in due course. Go home, Niklaus. Comfort your friend."


1. Testor Duem- Swearing/ Proclamation of truth.

2. Rectrix - A Sytar foretold to be the solution to all their problems.

3. Ducem- Leader of the Sytars, presumed to hold great power.

4. Metis - A coming of age ritual, centuries old Sytar tradition.

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