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"Tis one thing to be tempted, another thing to fall."
-William Shakespeare

Alegra's P.O.V

The following morning, I pace around anxiously in my lounge. It was Sophia's bright idea to invite Trevor to my house, to explain the "incident" that occured and the "evidence" she gathered last night.

Now I have become a bundle of nerves, my stomach erupts in butterflies just thinking about being in close proximity to Trevor.

I've always liked Trevor and he has confessed his infatuation with me as well, more than once. I never had the time to maintain a relationship with him because between school and work at the café, it was just too hectic.

And I can't help but notice that since then, something has changed. Thinking about him still makes me nervous, but not in that "lovey-dovey" good way. This feels... wrong.

I involuntarily jump when I hear hooting from outside.

I look out the window and see a black Ford Bronco park outside my house. He's here.

I open the front door in time to see everyone step out of the car. Sophia and Jason step out of the back, hand-in-hand.

Jason has light brown hair, forest green eyes and a physique that would honestly make you masochistic enough to endure his douchebag personality. Sophia is my best friend and I love her, but her taste in guys is baffling.

Trevor is last to get out of his Ford Bronco.

The front of his red tank top is drenched in sweat, accentuating his perfectly toned chest. His chocolate skin glistening in the sunlight. He must be coming from track practice and didn't have time to shower.

He walks towards the house, his hazel eyes trained on me. He flashes me a dazzling dimpled smile, that was both sexy and nauseatingly adorable. It doesn't make me feel the way I used to. What is happening?

"Hey Legs, what's up?" He asks using his terrible nickname for me.

I wrinkle my nose and reply, "Would you stop calling me that? It's so stupid."

"I think it's cute," He smirks.

I roll my eyes at him.

"So, why are we here?" He questioned.

"Well you're here becau-" I begin, but I'm immediately cut off by Fifi.

"Because Alegra was drugged," She says with concern.

"What?" Trevor and Jason exclaim simultaneously.

"I was not drugged! She's delusional," I reassure them.

I can see Trevor's body visibly tense at the news. His fists are clenched at his sides, his jaw ticks and creases appear on his forehead. The anger and worry he is feeling is very obvious.

"You were drugged by Logan and for some messed up reason you don't want to face the severity of the situation!" She yells as if it would make her statement true.

"What the hell? When did this happen? How did it happen? Did he hurt you?" Trevor fires questions at me faster than I can answer.

"I'll tell you everything that happened, and what I found out," Fifi says proudly.

She proceeds to tell them everything from the first party up until last night. I can see the rage in Trevor's eyes. He's absolutely livid.

When Fifi is done with her ridiculous fable, Trevor utters one name.

"Logan Blackmore," He says before standing up and walking to the door, gesturing for Jason to follow.

"Where are you going?" I say, worried. He doesn't look too stable at the moment and I wouldn't want him to do something he would regret later on.

"I'm going to kick his pretty boy rich ass," He says with determination.

"What? No, you can't do that. He didn't do anything to me. I'm fine. Don't do something you'll regret later Trev," I plead, hoping I got through to him.

"No, he tried to hurt you. He's a dead man!" He yells.

"Fine, then I'm coming with you and nothing you can say will make me stay," I snapped.

He sighs dejectedly and opens the door to the passenger's seat. Once everyone is in, we drive to Logan's house.

My heart beats faster the closer we get, both from anxiety and excitement. I don't know why I would be excited to see someone I barely know and have only met once, but something inside me is thrilled at the thought of seeing Logan again.

We pull into his driveway and Trevor is the first to get out of the car and stomp towards the front door. This house never ceases to amaze me, the architecture, the garden, the Greek statues. It's all so wonderful. I notice a silver Shelby GT500 parked in the garage. Whoever owns that car definitely had good taste.

Trevor bangs on the door, only to be greeted by a shirtless Logan. I can see Fifi ogling him from the corner of my eye and I'm seething. I don't know why, I just know that I don't want her to do that anymore.

"Hey, can I help you?" Logan asks in a groggy voice, which indicates that he must have been sleeping.

Trevor doesn't reply, he just shoves Logan further into the house.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Logan shouts. I notice that his eyes glow a bright blue, just for a split second. It must be my imagination running wild. There's no logical explanation for his eyes glowing, is there?

He's too focused on Trevor to notice the rest of us enter his home.

"You're my problem, dickhead. Do you think it's okay to take advantage of girls? Drug them and have your way with them?" He questions, taking a step forward so that there's only a few inches separating the two.

"What are you talking about? I have never needed to take advantage of anyone, have you seen me?" He smirks arrogantly and gestures towards his toned body.

"You arrogant prick!" Trevor yells and almost punches Logan, but stops when he sees Logan isn't paying attention to him anymore. He had his eyes trained on someone else, more specifically, me.

He stared at me for a full 10 seconds without saying anything, before a look of realisation and then that of relief cross his face.

"I found you, I actually found you. I was starting to think that Niklaus was right, that I had just imagined you, but here you are," He says, completely ignoring Trevor and walking towards me.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask, giving him a perplexed look.

"Hey, stop right there. Don't even think about going near her," Trevor says, while placing a hand on his chest.

Logan glares at him and he glares back, before Logan turns his attention back to me.

"Can we talk?" he asks, then glances at Trevor and says, "In private."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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