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This life, which had been the tomb of his virtue and of his honour, is but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
-William Shakespeare

- A day earlier -

Alegra's P.O.V

I could smell the freshly-made pancakes all the way from my room. Removing the towel that was wrapped tightly around my frame, I took one more glance at the mirror.

I tried to examine the source of pain that I'd been feeling the entire night. My neck. Wincing as I touched it, I noticed it was burning up.

It wasn't just fever-high, it was flaming hot. I couldn't understand it because the rest of my body was at a normal temperature. But my neck? My neck was on fire.

I brushed it off and decided that it was just inflammed so I reached for the ointment on my dressing table. That should do the trick.

Rubbing it on my neck, I smiled. Medicine was just a few months away from me. Soon, I would be doing what I wanted to do.

My final results came yesterday and I ripped the envelope open excitedly. I had gotten distinctions for all my subjects.

I still can't believe it. The proud look on my parent's faces, on my little sister's face, Sophia's smile. That was what I accomplished in a year of hard work and that's why I agreed to go to the party with Sophia.

Getting dressed, I went to the guest room where Sophia was sleeping. She always slept over when she didn't feel like going home and last night was one of those nights. I knocked on the door and opened it when she didn't answer. She was probably still asleep.

My best friend, and I sincerely regret saying this, is one heck of a spoilt, lazy bum. Her filthy rich dad ensures that she gets whatever she wants to make up for the 'situation' she is in.

"Fifi? Wake up," I said, still standing at the door.

"Mumphsn," She mumbled into the pillow and turned around, pulling the blanket tighter around herself.

"Don't make me do the jumping-clock," I warned, walking towards her and making sure my footsteps were audible.

My warning seemed to wake her up and she raised her perfectly blonde head out of the blanket. "You wouldn't," She said, narrowing her eyes at me as I walked closer.

"Yes, I would. You know I'll enjoy every second of it. It would be the best payback for what you told Trevor," I said.

"Fine. I'm up," She said and I pulled the blanket off her, exposing her to the cold. She glared at me and pouted as she stomped all the way to the bathroom. "You're a sucky bestfriend."

"You know you love me. You better be eating breakfast with me in the next fifteen minutes," I said, walking out of the room.

As I descended the staircase, I noticed my mother standing at the granite island situated in the middle of the kitchen. She had just finished breakfast - her heavenly pancakes - and it smelt amazing.

"Good morning, Sweetheart. How did you sleep?" she asked with a wide grin plastered on her face.

"Other than all the snoring that emerged from little miss-sleeping-beauty on the bottom bunk, I slept well," I said, taking a seat at the island.

"I do not snore," Lily, my little sister, exclaimed as she walked to the island and took a seat beside me.

"Do too,"

"Do not," Lily snapped.

"Girls! We are not about to have your fourth grade barbie fight all over again. God knows I can't handle it!" My mother yelled, a clear warning to both of us.

Instinctively, we kept quiet.

"What do you both have planned for today?" She asked, completely calm, as though she hadn't scolded us a few seconds ago.

"I'm going to the beach with Macy's family, remember?" Lily said, flipping her hair behind her like the diva she was.

For a sixteen year old, Lily is too mature. She knows a lot of things that I don't even know. Make up-wise and dating-wise, Lily is the one I ask for advice. She is a natural blonde like my mother while I have the plain, old-fashioned black hair my father has.

I waited till my mum was away from us before commenting.

"Sure you are," I muttered. Lily's innocent face makes everything she says believable but even I can tell when she is lying.

"Excuse me?" Lily raised her right eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes and got off the seat. "We'll talk later."

"What about you, Alegra? What are you and Fifi doing today?" My mum asked.

"Going shopping," Fifi piped from the door. "Alegra has horrible taste when it comes to clothes so I'm dressing her for tonight."

"I have horrible taste?" I feigned hurt.

"Hey, you woke me up way too early with threats of the jumping-clock and then you gave me only fifteen minutes to shower. You should be expecting a few insults throughout the course of the day," She said and strutted over to Lily, kissing her forehead.

"Will you stop doing that? I'm not a little girl anymore. Besides, your lipstick will mess up my makeup," Lily said, pushing Fifi away.

"Well, someone's being a little brat today," Fifi said, faking a cough after the word 'brat'.

"Tell me about it," I said, rolling my eyes. "How do we live with these two brats and still manage to avoid grey hairs?" I asked my mum.

"Only God knows," My mother said, bursting into laughter while Fifi and Lily gave us threatening looks.

"Alright, fun's over. Breakfast is served," My mum said, placing dishes with pancakes in front of Lily and Fifi and handing me mine.

Mugs filled with coffee were soon placed in front of us and my mother left the kitchen.

"So, are you going to tell me where you're going today or am I going to have to force it out of you?" I asked Lily as I chewed on a piece of pancake.

"Ethan is taking me out," She whispered after looking around to make sure my mother wasn't hanging around.

"Oh. My. God. Our little caterpillar has finally become a butterfly," Fifi chirped before Lily hushed her.

"You should have just told her, you know. Mum would have let you go," I said. I'm not a fan of lies and I don't want Lily to think it was acceptable to lie about anything.

"Don't listen to your sister. It's better to be safe than sorry. How much do you trust this Ethan guy anyway?" Fifi asked Lily.

"A lot," Lily said.

"I'd feel better if it was a group date, Lily," I said.

"Now that's just wrong. You know what they say, three's a crowd," Fifi said. "Have fun, Lily."

"Stop telling your sister what to do and focus on the party," Fifi said and playfully smacked the back of my head.


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