10 Facts About You

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I was tagged by the amazing author: StayingGoldSince2002

1. My nickname: Bay, Johnny, I have a lot of others but they are restricted only to close friends.

2. My eye color: Real exciting. Brown.

3. My hair color: Naturally I'm a brownish blonde but I dye my hair black

4. One fact about me: The most exciting pet I've had would be two ferrets named Cinnamon and Cody. (idk I couldn't think of anything to put as a fact about me)

5. Favorite color: Uhm..It really all depends. Blue I guess.

6. Favorite place: ...I don't know? I guess Santa Cruz?

7. Favorite celebrity: I have so many but I guess I'll just go for Ralph Macchio because overall he's just a really good guy and most actors don't tend to turn out as 'clean' as he is. He deserves an award just for that.

8. Favorite animal: I honestly love so many animals...I guess an otter.

9. Favorite song: I love so many songs and once again it all depends. It's all a mood thing. I guess most things by The Fray and Pumped Up Kicks and Panic and oh yeah

10. Favorite book: The Outsiders. Wow. Surprised about that one, huh?

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