1~ Frankies POV

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I are almost there. I can almost taste him, wait, wait. No!
My digging for a vole was innturpted by one of my owner-slaves who feed me.
"FRANK? FRANKIE? COME HERE FRANK!" Sara yelled, hoping that Frankie did not run.
All of a sudden, Sara is going inside, then coming back out, holding something.
What is that? Is it? It is!
I ran up to her, holding my fave bone, yes, a real animal bone, all of my friends get jealous, especially Bailey, my all-time crush, Jason, the dad Jason, had a girly friend, with a dog that I have seen a couple times before, I thought I was in love and wanted to make a litter with her.
That bone got my attention, and I ran inside.
Awe, snap! I fell into one of her evil traps again! Ugh, I think I lost that rodent anyway!
Sara started to pore me some food into a bowl when I started to bark, and run to the window that was on the staircase, than ran into the living room window to find out what I was barking about.
Sara left my territory, and went outside, into my other territory, and soon enough, I saw her through the window.
The smaller moving thingy pulled up, and the redheaded fluffy-haired one came out, and ran right into Sara, that's what they call a hug, I think its weird.
"Franken Dope?!" Erin called out as soon as she entered the house.
I don't like her much, not personally, but only because she takes away one of my slaves who gives me food, so, I think I miss that slave for the night. When she has a friend over, that's when I don't really sleep in her room, too many people. One extra person.

Frank?" Erin called again, she was sitting on the floor, Sara, my slave sitting on the floor with her, just to make Erin mad, I run to Sara and lick her face, that's when she pushes me away.
Well, what do you want me here for? You don't want me to lick you? I can't do anything else, rather than play with you. That's it!! She wants to play with me!
I go to Sara and bite her am, very lightly, making her giggle.
We play until Sara get up and walked up the stupid stair-things, then closes the door without me in her room with her.

Do dogs even have litters? Do you call it that? Or is it just cats?
Oh well, shout out will go for erinsmith35 because she is now officialy in the book!!

Btw... I'm not actually a slave, but I think that's what my dog thinks I am... 😒 Tell me how I did!!

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