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Your POV
You run to your living room down the stairs as fast as you can "Oh NO I'm gonna miss it!"
You turn the tv on since the one in your room wasn't working 'why is this happening AGHHH no don't do this to me tv it's about to START' finally you turn the tv on by giving it a smack you switch channels till you get to Disney XD

Your POVYou run to your living room down the stairs as fast as you can "Oh NO I'm gonna miss it!"You turn the tv on since the one in your room wasn't working 'why is this happening AGHHH no don't do this to me tv it's about to START' finally you t...

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Thank goodness, you feel sad because you missed the opening you always seemed to enjoy whistling it to yourself but you have to deal with it.

Time skip

Your POV
You smile and start laughing and saying "why would you make a list dipper it's called improvise" you loved that part you realize how funny dipper is and start blushing "Man if I was Wendy I would totally go for him", you look at the time and yawn "well better go to sleep its 10:30" you turn the tv off and climb back up the stairs slowly, you make it to the bathroom and look at the mirror then at the sink and grab your toothbrush and toothpaste 'I'm glad I didn't forget to brush my teeth my mom would be SUPER mad at me'
You brush you teeth and look at the mirror and say"I wish I could meet Dipper Glee" 'wait Dipper Glee who's that' you get confused but don't try to fix your mistake and move on with your life "ok done now to catch some Z's" you run and fling the door to your room open and jump on the bed "GOODNIGHT" you say out loud for no reason you clap your hand since you have that fancy clap light and drift away

Your POV
You wake up in the woods wondering where you are "Hello" you ask and no one responds so you get up and start looking around.

Time skip

It starts getting colder and darker you more afraid of how scary the woods get but see a bright blue light in the distance and run to it 'My SAVIOR' when you finally make it to the light you see a tent called tent telepathy you were about to step closer till 'dang that was close I didn't see that guard there' a big guy was making sure they paid before going in so you had to think of how to get in till you saw a rock at your feet 'perfect' you grab the Rock and throw it behind where he's not facing "huh what was that" he said as he tried to find the source of the sound you pass by him and your clever distraction 'wow I feel AWSOME right now and this is a pretty cool dream'

You look around and find a seat like since everybody else is sitting down too
'Wait so is Gideon going to show up and do something' you expect that since you've watched that from Gravity falls but instead you hear the exact opposite voice you expect "Hello and welcome to the tent of Telepathy I'm Mabel and this is my brother Dipper"

"DIPPER PINES!!" you shout out loud when you got up and pointed at him everyone stared at your direction and started laughing 'what did I do and what's happening but I finally got his name right' Dipper stared at you scanning you and then started to speak "i think your new here, my name is Dipper Glee not Dipper pines you must be confusing me with someone else" You got mad' I mean I knew dippers face when I saw him but this WUTS happening'

You were so confused but Mabel stepped in and said "good timing we needed a volunteer" she touched the blue amulet she had on and I started to levitate "woah what the heck!" Every one started clapping some people just looked super impressed, you were floating till you land in a different room "stay here I'll tell dipper to come check up on you while I cover the show" she seemed a little peeved about the whole thing but you don't wanna make her more mad

You sat a while but then Dipper walked backstage where you were "who are you?" 'Omg What do I say umm' "the question is who are you?" 'Real smooth y/n' "shouldn't you know by now I told you earlier but just to make it clear my name is Dipper Glee I don't know how you could mix me up with ugh Gideon pines" "Oh well my name is y/n- "WAIT GIDEON PINES!?!" you jump up and look at him like he is the most craziest thing you've seen "Where am I!?" He sighs and starts talking when I'm calmer "your in Reverse falls" 'What the heck what about Gravity falls' "Noooo you were so cute before now your just HOT" he stares at you and then laughs a little making your heart thump but you stop the feeling cause you like Dipper pines and you is loyal "what do mean before-

"OK IM DONE!" Mabel barged in not giving Dipper time to finish his sentence or at least I didn't understand 'so this is Reverse falls well i hope I wake up soon cause this is Weird'

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