I've been tagged? How could this happen to me

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So those are the rules

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So those are the rules.

(I'm republishing this because I saw a typo and I had to fix it...)

I was tagged by Xenolis

1. I am currently listening The World Was Wide Enough from Hamilton because that counting motif.

2. I am obsessed with Hamilton. LAFAYETTE IM TAKING THIS HORSE BY THE REI.... oh sorry

3. I am thinking about starting to do livestreams on twitch of user recommended games but I feel like its a bad idea.

4. I have access to a Hamilton bootleg and if you would like mediafire links to the downloads pm me and I'll hook you up. (I got this from sparkintoflame on tumblr so actually you could probably msg them there and they would send it to you but idk)

5. I tend to ramble a bit to much when I'm passionate about a thing. (See above fact)

6. I still want to write the book called The Society but I lost motivation so I'll do it later.

7. I'm stressing that i won't be able to think of 15 people for this.

8. I have also gotten myself obsessed with the Normalboot group.

9. If I were to do livestreams the first game I would do would be Asagao Acadamy, a Normalboots dating sim. (please don't ask)

10. I am going to a Harry Potter release party for the Cursed Child with a friend and idk if I'm all that excited. (I said it shoot me)

11. Number 9 might be a lie but i need ideas on what to play.

12. My dad died September 29, three days after my birthday so the time around my birthday is now always going to have a gloomy atmosphere.

13. I don't like to make things dark a lot but i went and did it and now I feel bad.

I tag

1. KaylaKat21

2. Siverfang789 (Jo did you know you spelled silver wrong?)

3. rebeccaw1

4. Aspen1250 (Next time you see Jordan give her my book then she can get it back to me)


Above this point is people I know irl, The rest will be random people that follow me.

6. BewilderedHermit

7. thattinyduck

8. Skye_CherryBomb_21

9. thatonescotishgirl

10. EmaChan123356789

11. popularwizard

12. BeanieBaby69

13. _MonStaR_sin_writer

14. GraceCharlotte101

15. The_Squad_LKJZJ

If you have already done this don't feel the need to do it again unless you want to.


Until my next update,


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