Its been a while

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It has been far to long. I believe i'm going to start work on the society as soon as i publish this part.

The general idea of it is that there is a girl who is a shifter (I'll explain that in a second) who very much needs a job. She gets offered a job by and elusive shifter only group that has no true name, and everyone just calls it the Society. For the job she is offered she is required to have a partner, but she has no control over who it is. Which to her is bad enough and even worse she is terrified of strangers. and it goes from there of her travels with her new partner.

Okay, now onto the explanation of shifters.

A shifter is a person who can turn into one specific animal, from a mouse to a whale. It has something to do with personality. Being a shifter is random and never guaranteed no matter who your ancestors are. Since they first started appearing people have hated them, whether for jealousy or fear of difference is unknown. The government has started hunting them and even supporting that shifters are people too can get you arrested.

That's all i have to say about the book for now.

Until the next update on this book, cya!

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