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This was supposed to be page 4 but I somehow lost page 3 so I will continue with page 4.
So ,this is my 3rd time ,hope you all enjoy this.

We all sacrifice to some degree. We get down on business,relationships , economic and life gets knock down. It is not that we have short life to live but we waste a lot of it. How is one able to get over all distraction,redirect his nerve?The answer is focus and he uses this as his advantage. There are many people who can focus better than us this happens because things tend to fall in places where they want. Which is more painful?The pain to get success of pain associated with loss of prideful to lack of success . People say No Pain No Gain. This is truth. Focus on one thing. Try to figure out what you want in your life, once you figure out try working for it. You will get really close to it or die trying. Different people have different reasons for winning. For some it maybe surviving difficult youth ,to realise your dream, there may be many reasons but all of them have same frame of mind which took them to get there, combination of focus ,goals, strategies which kept them on right track of their dreams. Now your goal requires sheer determinance and work. But what separates champion from contender, winners from losers, is their self esteem. Because all things on our road down to success self esteem is more illusive ,this is what makes your goal critical. You can build,shape your self esteem which pulls you down to your goals makes you confident when you talk about high levels.
The only thing between you and all the things you want is doing it. The right time is always right now. I am here,all my dreams are here, the thing between this is the amount of work. Always you will never have moment in your life problem free.Being hungry for those things. Number one is working on yourself. Spend more time on yourself than you are spending now. We see our ourselves doing things but not doing things which are needed and spend less time on these things,there goes a second and another and another and we cannot stop the time and before you woke up for your dreams you will be having bills. Life shrinks and expands in a constant proportion depending upon you taking risks. Right now is a goal time, maximise every second and make that second build your dreams. Do it now! This could be the greatest time you ever live if you can control on what you focus on,and if you model yourself to people who succeeded doing it. This could be your best financial time ,emotional time if you take control over your mistakes. Of you do rightthings at wrong time you get pain,listen to me once again if you do right thing at wrong time you get pain,y you don't get rewarded. You gotta take a stake and be responsible for your condition now. So this is your time to train yourself doing that . Find your focus and you will find it when it's not there. If you want to change your life then you have to change your physiology ,your focus, by the way how fast can you change that? In a heartbeat you can change your coditioning. I want you to answer this . What thing there's in your life that you are proud of? What thing? What's your focus on which makes you feel proud. How do you breathe when you feel proud ? What you could be excited about if you were get to excited about if you were to get excited? How fast? So I leave you hear to answer this question. This is worth trying and tell me if you got answer or not.

'Be A Champion And Believe In Yourself!'

So please tell me how are these pages?motivational ? Please say I should continue this or not?

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