Chapter 31

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Rocky’s POV

“Oh shit.” Vivian murmmered.

“Where to though?” Toby stated looking around.

“There, into the marketplace.” Jordan said pointing off towards a giant white tent.

“Alright, let’s just walk normally, try not to draw attention to yourselves.” I said looking down at the ground. “That doesn’t mean walking or acting stupid Adam.” I added on. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Adam paused in a strange position.  I rolled my eyes, yet I smiled. We started to walk calmly towards the marketplace, chatting, laughing, all that stuff.  I could swore people were staring at us, but I chose to ignore it. The best I could anyways.

“Almost there.” Jordan mumbled. I looked down at his hand and intertwined my fingers with his. I felt my heartbeat slow down drastically, it felt nice. The white tent grew closer and closer, I could smell the fresh produce from inside. But behind me, the sounds were very unsettling, the crowds had started to cheer and rally for Team Rocket or whatever.

“Just get inside,” Dan said walking on the other side of me. I sighed in relief as we walked through the giant white tent’s opening. I took a deep breath, and enjoyed the scents that filled the room.

“How long are we staying here for again?” Toby asked.

“Uh, twenty minutes?” I offered.

“Yeah, that’ll give the stupid presentation to come to a close.” Vivian said

“I’m going to go and get some fresh Moo Moo Milk, anyone want to come with me?” Dan asked.

“I’ll come, Moo Moo Milk is delicious!” Ryan replied excitedly.  The two walked over to a merchants stand, chatting and laughing. Jordan put his arm around me and I smiled.

“I don’t want to forget these people again, they are just so amazing.” I said.

“I know how you feel, these people are just truly wonderful.” He replied. “I’ll make sure you remember.” He whispered. “I promise.”

Jordan’s POV

Twenty minutes later…. (Yeah, I’m lazy X3)

“Alright, they’re gone.” Vivian said peaking her head around the corner.

“Great, let’s just get out of here and to Milastrone City, the quicker we get out of here the better.” Adam said with a sigh.

“We should make up a meet up plan, just in case we get separated. You know, if we have to split up or something?” I stated.

“That sounds good.  So we should meet at the start of Route Six, just inside the forest.” Rocky agreed.

“How about we split up in pairs? No our usual ones though, just in case they know who we are usually with.” Eddie added on.

“So how about, Vivian and Rocky, Jordan and Adam, Aleks and I, Toby and Toby, Ryan and Dan and then Eddie, Steven and Kevin?” Martyn suggested.

“Sounds good.”  Vivian and Rocky said at the same time.  We started to walk outside the marketplace and I noticed some stragglers from the rally. A couple of them looked at each other, giving evil grins. That’s when it hit me, they knew who we were.

“Oh crap.” I mumbled.

“Run.” Rocky said turning towards Vivian. In a matter of seconds, Adam and I were running down an alleyway, with two of the ralliers on our tails. Looking over to my left, I saw a ladder heading up onto some rooftops.

“Up for some roof parkour?” I joked, hinting at the ladder.

“Hell yeah!” Adam replied ecstatic. I turned towards the ladder and climbed up the rungs, two at a time. Glancing behind us, I saw the guys chasing us stopping to catch their breaths. Perfect, I thought. I reached the top in a matter of seconds, and reached down and grabbed Adam’s hand and helped him up quicker. We ran. All across the rooftops, jumping every so often, not looking down in fear of falling. I reached into my bag and grabbed Moltres’s pokeball.  We were nearing the end of the rooftops, and I had a plan. Releasing Moltres, he flew just over head, waiting for instructions.

“Keep running!” I shouted over the noise of the sound of wings flapping just above our heads.

“What?! We’ll run out of roof!” Adam yelled in a panic.

“Just trust me!” I replied. He nodded and kept running.

“3, 2, 1” Adam started to count down as we reached the end of the roof.

“Jump!!” We shouted at the same time, starting to free fall I yelled for Moltres.

“Catch us!” I shouted as the ground came closer and closer. Luckily Moltres did and we started to fly off towards Route Six.

Vivian’s POV

“Dude, they are never going to catch us.” I said with a smirk. Looking down from this smaller rooftop I found, Rocky and I watched the two guys chasing us frantically search for us. 

“This is just perfect, but we better get to the meeting spot.” Rocky said looking above her. Eventually she found what she was looking for, some handholds, to be precise. We started to climb up onto the roofs, once we reached the rooftops we started to run along them, searching for a place to jump off.

“Look at what we have here.” I said looking over the edge of the last rooftop that we could access. Just below the building there was a cart full of soft things, you know, feathers, pillows. That sort of thing.

“Jump?” Rocky asked, probably knowing the answer.

“Jump.” I replied with a smirk. I took a simple step of the edge of the building and started to free fall into mid-air. I grinned and looked up to see Rocky falling behind me, her brown hair flowing out behind her.

“This is aweso-“Rocky started to say, but quickly after she started my head was encased by pillows. I dug myself out of the pillows and took in a deep breath.

“That was amazing.” I said to no one in particular seeing as Rocky was still under the pillows. In a matter of moments, I managed to get out of the cart and back onto solid ground. Rocky had just started to climb out as well and I helped her out. We started to walk towards the meeting spot, only to find out that we were the only two there at the moment. Over to my left I noticed a bench, I sat down on it and waited for the others to come.

                                                                      END OF CHAPTER 31

Well! I hope you guys have enjoyed and stuff……… I don’t really have anything to say today  .-.

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