Chapter One: Of Amethysts and Sapphires

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Dreams, they are the epitome of our creativity. They are the embodiment of our conscience. They are where our conscious and unconscious minds meet to form answers to a problem, outlets for our stress, and memories once forgotten. Is it a surprise that we have whole sciences devoted to discovering and uncovering the mysteries that are dreams? But when you put aside all of the science and technicalities of dreams, what are they really? Are they visions of the future? The past? Are they some higher power guiding us to where we need to be or where we need to go? Can we ever comprehend just how powerful dreams can be? After all, one dream ruined was the start of a world war, and a dream reached was how we discovered America.

Everything had led to this moment.

Our happenstance meeting.

Our rivalry.

Our falling for one another.

Our crimes.

I realized that everything we had done had led to this inexplicable moment in time. A moment I knew I would never forget.

His piercing cerulean eyes bore into my own crimson ones. I had nothing else to say. I was out of time. Out of those precious seconds that would have helped buy his freedom. I didn’t dare say a word for fear of being caught, but I did continue gazing at the fierce sight in front of me.

It didn’t matter that it wouldn’t help him to be defiant now. He was rebellious until the end and the sight was still as amazing as when I had first laid eyes upon him. I was still in awe of the beauty that was Seto Kaiba.

His strength. His fierce protectiveness. His steadfast loyalty. His arrogant sarcasm. Those are the qualities I fell for. That is the man that I loved; that I was sure loved me just as desperately, if not more. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from him. We’d been through everything together, and I did not wish to stop that now.

I knew he saw me in the crowd. I knew that I was the one he had decided to share his life with, however brief a life that may have been. I knew that this beautiful, intense, precious man was who I was meant to be with. My soul mate.

A man hopped onto the platform. “Seto Kaiba, you stand charged of mutiny and sedition.” The man’s bald head gleamed in the sunlight and I cringed at his words. There was only one punishment for both crimes in these lands. “You are hereby sentenced to death.”

Seto stared the man down, daring him to give the order that would end his life. I knew that it was useless and wrong for me to watch, to even be near this place, but I couldn’t leave. I wouldn’t let him go through this alone.

“Any last words?” The man glared at Kaiba, and I, in turn, glared at the man. Now he was just taunting him. “Say your last words now, or die with them on your tongue.”

Seto’s gaze found mine again. His brown hair caught in the wind making him look, for the entire world, like the avenging angel he was. I stared at him with love. He broke our eye contact to bare his teeth at the man.

He had said all he’d needed to in those last few moments of our locked gazes. He loved me.

“No? Alright then, you are sentenced to hang by the neck until dead,” At this the bald man placed a noose around my beloved’s neck. The same neck I’d kissed just hours prior. Had all of this only happened in those short hours of peace?

“Do it.” The man commanded the executioner.

Seto’s eyes were no longer on the man, but back on me. I mouthed the only words I was capable of registering. “I love you.” Kaiba gave me a slight nod, undetectable to anyone not looking for it. His icy gaze softened and for a moment, it was just us. Just our eyes holding a silent conversation of words that had never had a chance to be uttered, and probably never would.

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