Chapter 10

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As I cry I feel a broad chest and two strong arms embracing me and comforting me telling me that it's ok and everything will be alright, I feel comfortable and protected, after I calm down I realise that it was Eric-san holding me. I look into his eyes that now looked beautiful red as they did in my dream. How could I fear these eyes and think of them as cold and scary bloody red eyes that would hurt me and hunt me, when they are so beautiful. As I think this I notice Eric-san's cheeks turn light pink and I remember that they can read my mind and blushed as well. After calming down I realise that I was out for only about 20 minutes and turn to Dallion and ask "So when were you planning to tell about all of this?"

"The original plan was when you turn 18 but since there still some problems, King wanted for you to finish University in human world while he will think of something. The earliest was 20 or when you bring a young man, and the latest 25, when Kiro turns 13."

"So the main problem is that there are two heirs two the throne, by logic Kiro should be the King, but for the the Universal peace I must become the Queen and marry Eric-san, right."

"Yes thats the case..."

After I hear the reconfirmation I feel lost not knowing what to do. Since childhood i was raised to be Queen, but for last six years I've lived like a normal teenager with no worries, and only one thought of raising and taking care of my brother and 'grandpa'. But now I have to go back and take up my role as Queen and on top of that of two words and protect the human world, thats too much pressure and stuff for me to handle...

"It's ok you don't have to think and worry so much about it right now, there is still time besides King will protect both of you" says Dalion. 

"But if we don't think of something fast won't the King, dad...have problems especially when i turned 18 and the wedding is supposed to be held asap, besides if we don't think of something fast won't Kiro be in danger as well. This is all too much, all I ever wanted was to live peaceful life with my brother and 'grandpa', but why is everything have to be so difficult" I say still a bit panicked. Eric-san takes my hand gently and gently looks into my eyes: "Its gonna be alright , we will do our best to make everything alright, so don't panic, don't rush and take your time, ok?" he says with gentle voice. I calm down a bit and get a grip of myself, I analyze all the information slowly, as my dad would teach me as a kid and think of the solution.

"Then how about we do this. I will become the Queen and marry Eric-san and bring peace to Humans, Angels and Devils, while Kiro will be the Prince of Angels and will be respected as one, but will stay on earth and protect the Human-Angel peace, since I will be raising Kiro, there should be no problem and later I will explain everything to him, another option is he will be adopted as my son and will be representative of Angels, but that might bring problems in the future so the first option is the best. I wish for you Dallion to meet father, the King and talk to him about this matter." I say in a commanding tone, which kinda surprises me as well as others.

"I would like to request you, to ask the King about when the engagement can be hold as well as the wedding" Eric-san adds proudly.

"Yes I will depart right away, for now i would like to ask Eric-sama to protect the two while I'm away" With that Dalion leaves and disappears after few seconds.

"About that Eric-san, since we haven't met for last 6 years, and we both have lived and experienced different lives, I would like to take things a bit slow and get to know each other better, well of course if you are not against it." I tell Eric-san a bit worried.

"So you want us to date for now, before we get the answer huh, and get to know each other better...Well I have nothing against that. Then we will do this, from today on you are my girlfriend, so you can call me just Eric, Nori." Eric-san says a bit too happy.

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