Opening Entry

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Oh Hannover. One of the most resilient cities in German history, with a wonderful backstory of royalty, even with their roots firmly planted in Europe and their branches sending their fruits to form the British monarchy... one of many cities who faced turmoil and struggle, destruction and revival through occupation by the British, and recovery through West Germany... and even as the gateway to innovation and the world, even with the dawn of the Millennium with our very first world's fair at the time. I wished to open my arms and I wanted to have embraced you with every inch and acre, as one of the most beautiful cities of Germany to ever exist and stand the test of time for 775 years.

I'm not one to bring politics into the many aspects of things... too many people have, for no apparent reason. I recall how Germany had a wonderful welcome culture to visitors and incoming migrants in the fall of 2015, and we had so much compassion for the war-scarred and oppressed from the Middle East, coming in to escape the war, or hopefully build a much better future for themselves, and hopefully our nation. But you see, given a lot of political tension that has come upon this country... frankly, this is only the most recent year I have begun writing, and it's long after the Week of Blood since mid July of 2016... you see, the most difficult thing is that we are no longer in Hannover anymore...
The military tanks have been parked in front of Town Hall by now, and civilians are panicking... well, it depended on where you were at the time of this period of shock. You see, when terrorist attacks in Europe went up, so did the distrust of the Bundsrepublik Government, and the Chancellor, and Europe and even humans themselves... we would expect to see the rise of the far right groups, following in the Fuhrer's footsteps (as if they would ever regain power, but were we wrong). The events of Brexit, and the English patriots forcing their frustrations to wipe out their multicultural "parasites" off their land... if their ignorance wasn't bad enough. Of course, when European tensions shattered, our state of Lower Saxony went an unexpected way. We were no longer in Germany, that is, the peaceful and progressive county we were promised after two world wars, a failed monarchy, an egotistical dictator which wiped almost an ethnicity or more off the human map, and even stalemates between the Americans and the Muscovites over a divided capital city. Our people has been though a lot, and just as we wanted to look forward, it came crashing down, and we were left with the most unexpected option we didn't see coming. While the rest of Germany flocked to right wing parties on Election Day, Lower Saxony severed all ties with the republic, and became autonomous... very autonomous, in fact, I'm writing from the charred remnants of the New Republic of Lower Saxony.

You see, I'm writing this from the Expo-Plaza area, probably parts on my phone and in my paper diary. Of course, it's just a few days ago from the worst, and I recalled the biggest battles to have shelled the Messe-Expo areas some time ago. The Deutsche Pavilion, once a temporary accomodation and processing centre for refugees escaping harm and turmoil in the Middle East, even escaping from potential terrorists accidentally smuggled amongst themselves... smoking now, since the bomb blasts and guerilla right-wing groups successfully massacred everyone in the building earlier on... It's very complicated to explain, but let's say that after a very chaotic battle on our home soil, we were the only ones on deck. As I write, I saw parts of our rebellious group with a hot wired army tank doing those burnouts on Expo-Plaza... and knocking down a few trees by accident (looks like whoever else living on Expo grounds, albeit a not very human companion – hint implied if anyone still remembered him – would have to hold on a little longer, poor mutant thing.) Those ecstatic solders were holding up our new flag celebrating our victory over reclaiming this part of Lower Saxony, when everywhere else just crumbled and tuned to hell around us. I remembered the old flag was a red coat of arms with a white stallion on Gemany's flag... but no longer. We still have the horse, but a white background, and that exact cubist-mutant surrealist little Expo icon of ours – its large flowy plant of a right arm he had, and that distinctive moon-crescent head and bulbous nose, big teardrop belly and those two odd shoes – I guess I'm jogging your memory right now, but I'm going to come to conclusions right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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