Chapter 10

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*10 o'clock in the morning*

DeJah *stretches and gets out the bed* c'mon yall it's time to get up

Rashawn: no leave me alone

Priya: alright, im up

Asia: im up

DeJah: thank yall *goes over to rashawn and kicks her* get yo ass up! Or Ray Ray gone cancel the date!

Rashawn: *jumps out the bed* ok ok im up!

DeJah: ok finally, priya go get in the first shower, asia you get in the second one, and me and rashawn will get in after yall, rashawn you get in which ever one is ready first, n ima go last casue i know how to get ready quick.

Girls: alright

*so after everyone was out the shower, this is what they had on*





Girls: we look so cute!

DeJah: ok let's go to the boys room

*so the girls leave their room and go to the boys room which is on the top floor because it's the penthouse*

DeJah: *knocks on the door*

Prince: *hears the door* aye yall the girls here

boys: *jump up and run to the door*

Roc: *opens door*

Boys: Dayuuuuuuuuuuuum

Girls: *smiling extra hard*

DeJah: are yall gone say something, or are yall gona continue to stare? *walks to prince* remmeber you said staring is rude babe?

Prince: *snaps out of trance* oh im sorry, but bae you look beautiful, all of yall do

Girls: *smiles* thank you

Boys: *gives prince the death glare*

Prince: *gives the boys the 'really' face* they like my sisters, damn calm down

Boys: aw aight

Roc: so were yall gonna chill or did yall want to go shopping right away?

Priya: welllll

Roc: well what?

Priya: we were kinda wonering

Asia: if you would be so kind

Rasahwn: as to let us

DeJah: go to breakfast on your cards........

Boys: *looks at each other*  if we can go

Girls: of course!

DeJah: but ummmmm

Ray: what?

Rashawn: yall gota luk better than that......we look bad and we can't be seen with yall lookin like that

Prod: alright, give us about an hour and we'll be at your sweet, or yall can wait here

Asia: i wanna stay here and make myself at home lol

Girls: truuue

Roc: alright well have a blast, brb

Girls: see ya

*so the girls spend their hour waiting around the penthouse looking through stuff, being nosy, and watching tv*

Match Made In HeavenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora